Application invited for Commonwealth Executive MBA and MPA Program at Bangladesh Open University. Students prospectus is available now. Online application process has been started from 05 September and the last date of application submits is 24 October 2019.
Admission circular for the course of Diploma in Textile Engineering and Diploma in Jute Technology session 2019-2020 of government textile institute of Bangladesh has been published.
Agriculture Training Institutes (ATI) has invited Application to admit in diploma in Agriculture under the Bangladesh Technical Education Board BTEB. Who have passed SSC or equivalent exam in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 with minimum GPA-2.5 they can submit online application.
Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protishtan (BKSP) called application for 3 years duration 1st year Bachelor of Sports (B-Sports) pass course admission. 'B. Sports' is a national university affiliated degree pass course.
Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University has announced MBA (evening shift) admission circular. Application has been started from 13 October. The interested and eligible candidates can submit admission up to 14 November 2019.
The University of Dhaka published masters preliminary admission circular for the affiliated 7-Colleges. The students who have passed degree pass and certificate course from the DU affiliated seven government colleges of Dhaka city they are invited to apply to get admit masters preliminary.
Rajshahi university Institute of Education and Research has invited application for MPhil and PhD program for the session 2021-2022. Application form can be collected from Institute of Education and Research and application fee Tk. 1000.
Bangladesh Open University School of Business is inviting application for the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program (201st Semister) and BBA in Bengali language. Online application can be submitted 15 February to 30 September 2021 in everyday.
Honours first year admission update circular of four years BA and BSS Honors of Bangladesh Open University has been published and application process on going. Students have to complete 40 subjects or 120 credits within four years and 03 credits for each subject.
Bangabandhu Textile Engineering College BSc in Textile first year admission application has been started from 22 August and students can submit application till 21 October 2021.
The students who want to get admit in undergraduate programme at Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology and already submitted online application their admission test will be held on 29 and 30 September 2021.
"Diploma in Social Compliance DSC" and "Diploma in Productivity and Quality Management DPQM" admission circular has been published. The last date of application submit is 18 September 2021.
Bangladesh Open University BOU has started admission activities of four years duration LLB courses under the social science, humanities and language faculty. The class will be taken four days of each week in the Dhaka regional campus of the university. There is a special facility for job holder and their class will be held only Friday and Saturday in each week.
M.Phil and PhD Fellowship admission circular of National University has been announced for the year 2022-2023. Candidates have to apply online from June 14 to July 18, 2022.
Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council BNMC has published "Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery" and "BSC in Nursing" admission circular of all Government Nursing Institutes and Nursing College for the academic session 2021-2022. Applicants can submit application till 20 April 2022.
University of Oslo in Olso, Norway has offered Summer scholarship program 2012. For details of the scholarship you may see the file below and you may contact Ministry of Education, Bangladesh.
The Authority of Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University has been published BSC AG (honors), BBA (Agri-Business) and BSC Vet Science and AH Course 1st year admission test admit card 2017-18. SAU admission test will be held on 01 December 2017 at 10am. Admission test seat plan will be published very soon.
Sonali Bank has offered application for the scholarship from poor meritorious students, freedom fighters children and autism students. Students who are passed SSC/HSC/Graduation in 2016, they will be able to apply from here.
The Government of Japan has called application from school teachers for Monbukagakusho Scholarship 2017. This application has been called in Bangladeshi citizens. Applicants must be born on after 02 April 1982.
National University Bangladesh called for 1st release slip application from the students who could not admit according to the published merit list in admission session 2018-2019.
Standard Bank Limited is going to provide Educational Scholarship 2017 in the whole country as a part of their social liabilities. The students will eligible to apply who have passed Primary Somapony (PEC), JSC and SSC or equivalent exam in 2016.
Bangladesh Agricultural University BAU is going to take admission in 10 November 2018 and the university already published details admission test seat plan.
Honours 1st year exam routine of seven colleges under Dhaka University was published in 30 January 2019. The exam has been started from 14 February 2019 and the exam will be finished on 30 March 2019.
Bangladesh Open University HSC exam revised routine 2019 has been published in 15 April. The HSC examination will be started from 26 April 2019. This routine is applicable for the session 2019 and it is the last chance for batch 2013 .
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology CUET honours 1st year admission test will be held on 12 October 2019. Admission test seat plan already published for candidates. CUET announced that the applicants can download admit card from 27 September to 12 October 2019.
Rajshahi is one of the six metropolitan cities of Bangladesh. Rajshahi is located in the north-west of the country and situated on the bank of Padma river with population of around 475,000 people and total area is 96.69 sq km.
The city is also known as Rampur Boalia. Rajshahi is famous for Silk Industries, Mango and Lychee. Rajshahi is also famous for its Characteristic sweetmeats.
Bangladesh is enriched with its long history, arts and culture. The country is known as land of river and here common people formed a enriched heritage in different regions.
Dhaka is a busy city which is the capital of Bangladesh with its magnificent heritage, glorious culture and dazzling sceneries marks its four hundred years as capital city in 2008. Dhaka with the blend of traditional and modern architectural development possesses a plethora of splendours. It is founded in 1608 as the seat of Mughal Vicroys of Bengal.
Chittagong, is a commercial capital of Bangladesh has a busy international sea port and airport. it has green hills, spacious sandy beach and elegant cool climate always attract the holiday- makers described by the Chinese traveler and poet, Huen Tsang.
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