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Bangladesh is a beautiful country with arts, culture and nature. To discover the beauty of nature, architectural place, culture and educational institute speared into whole country, you can visit different places by air, bus, train and river.

You will find different bus service to different places. Train is also available to go different places and this is safe and comfortable.

The country has 8 domestic airports to visit around faster. You can go around by river also; it is amazing when you will visit the place by boat.

When you reach in Bangladesh, you can visit now by having some knowledge about it. When you visit different place of Dhaka city or any other place, you should have little knowledge about. You can go different place by air, bus, train or river from Dhaka.

Here air is costly way and river is most cheap way to go. Train journey is popular and comfortable but bus is the most common and used service here.

There are a lots of rent a car service and you can also rent car from them with driver also you can take logistics support from them. BMW, Mercedes Benz, Ford, Toyota, Nissan is available to rent and you can also ask for any other brand car if you like.

Private helicopter transportation service is also available for hourly basis. Most of hotel are also provide transportation to their guest. On that time you should reserve car at the time of hotel reservation for availability.

When you are already selected to visit a place and you are there, you can visit around by bus, taxi, auto rickshaw (CNG) in long distance and rickshaw in short distance.

Here rickshaw is very common and local vehicle to people.The language of Bangladesh is Bengoli so a tour guide can help you a lot. At any time you can ask help to people, police station and DC office, tour agency and hotel staff where you are staying.


Post office service also available here. To post letter, goods, or postcard you can contact nearby post office.

Cell phone network coverage is available in whole country and you can use international roaming. For roaming service you should contact your home network before your trip.

Grameen Phone (Telenor), Teletalk, Airtel, Robi, citycell (CDMA of Singtel) is leading telecom company in the country where you can contact for any kind of Mobile solutions.

You can buy a sim card from any network to use here and it is very cheap. Recharging your cell phone with money is available everywhere. Local call is 1 TK per minute and international call depends on the country where you are calling to.


At the time of visiting any place you should remember the weather, about the place local host or agency address, phone number and all other necessary things.

Before your trip know well about the schedule of air, bus, train and book ticket earlier for comfort journey.

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