Alormela has created and included an excellent age calculator which is able to calculate your age accurately than existing others online age calculator. This age calculator always calculates the age considering the leap year. There is a another option also included with it which can help you to find out the name of day of any desire date of past or future. The "Accurate Age calculator" calculates and gives the result according to the Gregorian calendar.
Rajshahi Education board is established in 1963 according to Intermediate and secondary Education regulatory act 1961.
Education is fundamental human rights. Education may to reach of a nation the ultimate level of development. Bangladesh has 11 education boards with Technical and Madrasah Board.
The Payra Power Plant, also known as the Payra Thermal Power Plant, is a large coal-fired power plant located in the Payra area of Patuakhali district in Bangladesh. The plant is operated by the Bangladesh-China Power Company Limited (BCPCL), which is a joint venture between the state-owned Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) and China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CMC).
The Ambassador: Mr. Li Jiming
Working days: Sunday-Thursday, 09:00-12:30 & 15:00 to 17:00.
Closing days: Friday and Saturday
Tel: 0088-02-9887923 (Ambassador’s Office)
Working days: Sunday-Thursday, 09:00-12:00.
Closing days: Friday and Saturday
+41 31 324 18 36
+41 31 324 18 37
Bangladesh Krishi Bank is a government bank. It is established in 1973 under the Bangladesh Krishi Bank order 1973. The central attention of Bangladesh krishi Bank is Agriculture.
Pubali Bank is a commercial public bank in Bangladesh. Pubali Bank is established in the year 1972. But the bank is known as EBL in the year in 1983. There are many services in this bank such as Loan & Advances, Deposit Service, Remittances and miscellaneous.
AB Bank Limited is the first private sector bank was incorporated as a public limited company in Bangladesh on 31st December 1981 under the Companies Act, 1913 as Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited. AB Bank Limited listed in the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) Ltd and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) Ltd and security code: AB Bank.
Working days:
Sunday-Wednesday: 8am-4pm (local), 2am-10am (GMT)
Thursday: 8am-2pm (local), 2am-8am (GMT)
Telephone: +88028822705
Consular email:
Consular fax: +88029882819
High Commissioner: H.E. Pankaj Saran
Working days:
Sunday to Thursday, 09:00-17:30
Telephone: 00880-2-9889339
Working days:
Sunday-Thursday, 8:00am-4:30 pm
Phone: (880) (2) 5566-2000
High Commissioner:
Mr. Greg Wilcock
Working days:
Sunday to Thursday, 08:00am-04:00pm
Closing days:
Friday and Saturday
Working days:
Sunday-Thursday, 8:00-12:30 hours and 13:00-15:30 hours
Visiting hours of the Embassy:
Sunday to Thursday, 09:00-12:00 hours
Janata Bank Limited is one of the biggest commercial government banks in Bangladesh. There are 872 branches have a very wide network all over the country. Janata Bank Limited has a modern banking service for its client.
Sonali Bank is one of the largest commercial bank in Bangladesh. It is a public limited company. It was started from 1972 under the Bangladesh bank. It has total 1201 branches.
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