46th BCS preliminary MCQ exam will be taken on 26 April 2024, seat plan and admit card is available to download. You must collect and bring your admit card to enter in the exam hall. You have to get in early in the exam hall because the seat distribution will be setup in different method in this year.
Primary school assistant teachers' recruitment test 2nd phase of Mymensingh, Khulna and Rajshahi Division will be held on 02 February 2024, Admit card will be issued very soon. The 3rd phase exam of Dhaka & Chattogram division can be taken in March 2024. The application process was done in 08 July 2023 and total 11,49,431 candidates has applied for 7,500 posts.
Bankers selection committee has announced the recruitment MCQ test admit card and seat plan for the post of Senior Officer (General) of eight bank and a financial institute's recruitment. The MCQ exam will be held on 20 January 2023 at 10:00am to 11:00am. You can get the seat plan from here.
44th BCS written exam will be taken with in 29 December 2022 to 11 January 2023. Bangladesh public service commission BPSC announced written exam schedule and seatplan. You can see details written exam routine here.
41th BCS viva exam ongoing for them who are selected in the written exam, exam schedule is given here. The viva exam of 6035 candidates has been taing in the head office of Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC), Agargog, Sher-e-Banglanagar, Dhaka.
Bangladesh Assistant Director (General Side) recruitment exam will be held on Friday, 31th July 2015. The recruitment examination will starts from 09:30am to 12:30pm, with 1 hour MCQ test 100 marks and 2 hours written test 200 marks. So total examination marks is 300 and exam duration is 3 hours.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has fixed the date for the written exam of post of Probationary Officer. The written exam will be held on 13 September 2013 at 9:00 am. Already the admit card and seat plan has issued to the candidates. The candidates can download their admit card from the Islami Bank's website.
There is an amendment for viva for officer recruitment of Agrani Bank Ltd for date 28/01/2012. New date and time of viva 30/01/2012 (Monday) 4pm and 31/01/2012 (Tuesday) 4pm instant of 28/01/2012 (Saturday). Listed candidates are requested to attend their viva on following dates.
Successful candidates are requested to attend an interview for the post of Assistant Officer (Cash) of the EXIM Bank, Date and time of interview mentioned against their roll number on the pdf file. Interview will be held at EXIM Bank, Head Office, 2nd Floor, Symphony, Plot # SE (F) 9, Road # 142, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan - 1, Dhaka - 1212.
Bangladesh Public Service Commission published Directorate of Social Services exam schedule, seat paln and others instractions for the post of Social services Officer, Probation Officer of under Ministry of Social Walfare, and Assistant Director of National Consumer's (right protection department) under Ministry of Consumer, Bangladesh.
Position open for Assistant Director (General Side) of Bangladesh Bank under national pay scale 2009, BDT 11,000/-490x7-14,430/-EB540x11-20,370. Educational Qualification: 4yrs honors / Masters degree from any govt. approved university with at least two first division/class. Third division/class in any examination is not allowed.
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited job circulation 2014 for the post Trainee Officer was closed on 18 May 2014. Candidates how have graduate or post graduate degree applied for this post. The EXIM bank announced the exam date for this post. The Trainee Office written exam of EXIM bank will be held on Friday, 27 June 2014 at 10:00 am.
Pubali Bank has published Exam date and Viva schedule for the post of Senior Officer, Officer and Senior Officer (Computer) Card Division and Information Technology Division.
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