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Bangladesh Public Service Commission BPSC has published 46th BCS cadre exam circular on 30 November 2023. The 46th BCS application process has been started from 10 December 2023 and the recruitment process will be completed within the year 2024.


45th BCS preli exam has been taken on 19 May 2023. So take hard preparation for it and next 46th BCS preli which could be held in March 2024 and written exam. We shell share all about the upcoming BCS.


46th BCS Circular 2023: 46th BCS application has been started from 10 December 2023. The last date of online application submit is 31 December 2023. Total 3,140 cadre will be recruited from 46th BCS exam. The students who will complete honours final year written exam with in 31 December 2023 they are eligible to apply for 46th BCS.



Mr. Md. Sohorab Hossain, the chairman of BPSC had informed that the 46th BCS will be general.

Ministry of Public Administration has sent a demand latter already to the Public Service Commission (BPSC).

BCS online application submits is going to be started from 10 December and the circular already published in 30 November 2023.



BCS Recruitment Circular 2023:

Bangladesh Public Service Commission BPSC published 46th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) circular 2022 for recruiting more than 3,140 cadres by examination for different category post. The circular has been published in 30 November and application starts from 10 December for general candidates.

Eligible interested person can apply online by given time to participate a preliminary examination. Starting time of online application submission and fee deposit are included in the circulation.

The students who will complete their final exam (written) of four years duration graduation courses with in 31 December 2023 but result will be published later they can apply for BCS.

46th BCS circular PDF file

46th BSC application starts: 10 December 2023 at 10:00am

46th BSC application dead line: 31 December 2023 at 6:00pm



Preliminary exam date: March, 2024 (possible date).

Total MCQ marks and question for preliminary exam: 200 Marks.

-0.50 mark will cutout for each wrong answer.

BCS Exam Schedule / Time and Date

BCS Seat Plan

Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC)

BCS Exam Results

Apply Here


 BPSC 46th BCS Cadre & Non-Cadre Job Summary

 Circular published (PDF file)
 30 November 2023
 Application starts
 10 December 2023
 Application ends  31 December 2023
 Vacant posts (Cadre & Non-Cadre)  3,140
 Salary (Taka)  9th grade
 4 years graduation
 Application fee (Taka)  700/-
 Application type  Online application
 Application's link/ form  Check above
 Recruitmnt process  Preli, written & Viva
 News source
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  • Candidates age limit 21 to 30 years by 01 November 2023 for general candidates and 32 years for special and quota candidates.
  • Application fee deposit can be done by mobile SMS within 72hrs after application.
  • Application Fee 700 TK.
  • Incomplete or wrong application will be rejected. Fill your application carefully to appear on BCS exam. You must download original circulation file from attached in below as PDF and follow the instruction to complete application process.



Last 45th BCS Circular: 45th BCS preliminary exam taken in 19 May 2023. The 45th general circular was published in 30 November 2022 and application timeline was 10 December 2022 to 31 December 2022 and total cadre posts were 2,309 and non-cadre were 1,022.


See and download the 46th BCS Exam Circular from the attachment:



 Download this alormela pdf file 46th BCS Recruitment Circular 2023 (New)
 1.2 MB
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Hi, I complete my course & i got my result but only my thesis left which is running... Can I apply for BCS?
I achieved 3.38 in SSC, 3.20 in HSC and 3.11 (out of 4) in BBA, am I eligible for BCS? Please inform me.
Hello. I have form filled up the form for BCS. But couldn't pay the fees within 72 hours. What can I do now? Please help.
I have complete BBS with 2nd division And I appeared the exam in MBA, I failed one subject unfortunately, and I have attend the exam again, but the result did not came out till now. Can I apply for BCS exam? Please informed me.
Obviously you can do. BCS application's minimum requirement 4 years graduation only.
I had session jot. I was supposed to pass in 2018. But my result published in 2020. What should I write in my "passing year" box? 2018 or 2020?
You have to write 2018. If we see the final exam of national university Bangladesh, suppose they are taking masters final exam of year 2018 in December 2019 and result published in March 2020. In this case your passing year have to be written 2018.
I have finishes all exam in BBA final exam but result isn't publish yet. can i apply for BCS. plz sir reply me.
Hi. I have completed my honors final exam from department of Business Administration few days ago. But I didn't appear in viva exam. My viva exam will held on 2 months later. I don't know if I can take part in BCS exam. I want to know that can I apply for BCS exam? pls reply pls
no, you can not sit for exam and if you had the change you can't pass BCS for first time
I have completed my BSc from fashion design and technology. Can I apply for BCS exam. please reply ..
no you can not yet you may have to get the certificate first
i think you from shanto mariam university?
I completed BBS with 3rd division and I still study in Narshindi Govt. College in MBS (Final Part). So my Question is that could i eligible for BCS Exam??
I am complete my graduation under Dhaka university the name of my course BSC in Health Technology (Dental).Can I apply for BCS.
I am a govt. service holder in the ministry of foreign affairs in Dhaka. Now I am 30 years old. When 38th bpsc circular will be published, I will be 31 years old. Will I get apply in 38th bpsc exam by proper chanel?
I have completed my hsc and ssc from an Indianschool Iin Saudi Arabia ; and im studying in Bsc in civil engineering in Bangladesh will I will be eligible for bcs exam
I have completed B.A ( Hon's) in Fashion Design & Technology. Can i apply for BCS? Which category is preferable for me. Please suggest me Asap. Thanks in Advance.
I completed diploma ...can i apply for bcs??? plz tell me soon..
How many cadre sectors in BCS?
And how many posts are allowed every year?
I have completed MBA, Can I apply for BCS? please inform me when start application ?
How can measure between class system and GPA system? For example- GPA 2.75, is it second class or third class?
Only 35 preliminary (MCQ) exam selected candidates can download BPSC Form-2 from 15 April to 30 April 2015 at 10am to 4pm.
BPSC Form-1 click korsi but assaynai. ke korbo
I want to know about it.
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