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Before you come to Bangladesh, ensure you have a visa with enough time and a valid passport. Your valid papers will help to pass immigration. You should bring necessary every thing for travel.

Before you come ensure you have confirmation of hotel reservation to stay. A directory and map will help you find out the places and you can also bear a guide book about Bangladesh. No require any tax at the time of departure at air port.

In winter season you have to bring warm cloths and summer season different clothes for wear. In monsoon an umbrella and rain coat will help you a lot to visit around comfortable.

You should know about the country, people, regions, currency and other related things for a comfort trip.


There is some information to do and not to do:-

To Do:-

-If you have certain medication, bring enough medicine along with your prescription.

- Make sure you have proper vaccination and a health insurance.

- You can take a cab or CNG auto-rickshaw to go to any place. Bargain before you get into.

- Be polite to the elders and respect them.

- Keep all necessary contact address and number in case of emergency.

- Take off your shoes at visiting a religious place of worship.

- Use right hand when paying.

- Keep yourself hydrated always.- Keep your passport, credit card and money safe.


Not to Do:-

-If you are traveling alone, do not publicize it.

- Avoid mixing with strangers as far as possible.

- Do not mock, laugh at poverty sickened people.

- Try to avoid smoking in public place.

- Take food from good restaurant.


For further assistant you can contact with your embassy situated in Bangladesh also for any kind of emergency you can contact local Police Station and DC office at any time.

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