There are 115 private university in Bangladesh under the Private University Act-2010 and 106 are active. There are reputed and reported both types of university exist among them. Most of them are reputed and few of them are reported. Students must be aware before admit to ensure their bright future. Guardian must be aware, a wrong decision in the special moment can be destroy their child's potential bright future.
SSC result re scrutiny application starts from 13 May and it will be continued till 19 May 2024. The students who are not satisfied on their result on specific subject they can apply for re-scrutiny. If you submit re-scrutiny application the authority will recheck your exam sheet and your result can be changed if any mistake happened before.
SSC, Dakhil and SSC Vocational exam result 2024 is going to be announced 12 May 2024 and 1,82,29 students achieved GPA-5. The result calculation under "GPA" method in Bangladesh was started in 2001 by the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Exam Result. And in the 2003, GPA result system was started Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent level.
Bangladesh Education Board has published HSC result re-scrutiny application notice or exam sheet challenge or result recheck application date and process. Students who are not satisfied on his/her HSC result and not achieved good result, they can apply for HSC/Alim result re-scrutiny 2023.
National University Bangladesh gives opportunity to students to apply for exam result re-scrutiny. National University's degree 3rd year exam result, preli to masters result and masters part-1 already published. Now they can apply for result re-scrutiny if they unsatisfied on their result.
National University degree 1st year and honours 2nd year exam form fill-up application is going on. The degree pass course 1st year form fill-up last date on 28 November and honours 2nd year form fill-up has been extended till 24 November 2022. The NU students can know honours 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year, degree pass course's 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and masters 1st, 2nd year exam form fill-up notice from here.
National University affiliated colleges will not be taken any test for Graduation (Honor's) first year admission. The National University's vice chancellor Harun-ar-Rashid said the 17th annual session of the University Senate on Saturday, 13 June 2015.
National University Bangladesh called for 1st release slip application from the students who could not admit according to the published merit list in admission session 2018-2019.
Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examination result 2019 has published in December 31, 2018. If a student thinks he/she did not get expected number, the can apply for re-scrutiny his exam sheet. After re-exam their script accurate result will be published for them.
Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Education and National University Bangladesh has published academic annual holiday list for the year 2021.
National University Bangladesh has taken preparation to provide covid-19 vaccine for it's students as a part of decision "Vaccine for all students" by Bangladesh government. The National University has taken vaccine application from 08 July 2021 and the students can submit application till 19 July 2021.
National University Bangladesh again decided to give conditional auto promotion for the honours 2nd year's students. The decision has been taken in 16 September 2021. The students who were already submitted form fill-up application they are going to promoted to 3rd year. Honours 1st year's students also got auto pass in June 2021.
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