National University masters final part exam result has been published on 26 July 2023, success rate 71.27%. Masters final exam was taken in 12 February to 04 April 2023. 'Masters old syllabus exam result result was published in 05 March 2023. "Preli to masters" result was published on 23 February 2023.
National university masters final year exam result published than old syllabus result and masters 1st year result has been announced.
Total 1,40,000 more students has apeared to the exam from the national university affiliated colleges.
See Masters Result
The students of MA/MSS/MBS/MSc are expecting the examination result will be published with in the October.
The masters exam for this session result can also be found through the sms. The result of all affiliated college under the National University has published at same time. Students can search there result from here.
You can get your result through the mobile SMS by following format-
Type SMS: NU<space>MF<space> Registration No and send 16222
Masters Final Result 2022: National University masters final exam result has been published 26 July 2023. The exam was taken in 12 February to 04 April 2023.
Total 1,30,356 Students appeared to the exam from 170 National University Affiliated Colleges. Total 110 exam center used to take masters last part exam.
You can get masters final result through the mobile SMS, just type SMS: NU<space>MF<space> Registration No and send to 16222
Masters Preli (Part-1) Result (Old syllabus):
Masters 1st part exam result 2023 of National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh has been published on 05 March at 2:00PM. Average success rate 58.39%. Students can collect their result from here searching by their registration number.
Type SMS: NU<space>MP<space> Registration No and send to 16222
NU masters preliminary exam was started in 18 September and was completed in 21 October 2022.
Preli to Masters Result (New syllabus):
Preli to masters exam result published in 23 February 2023 at night, average pass rate 40.2%. Total 70,316 students attended to the exam and ------- passed among them.
You can collect the result from national university website, link is given above. The result also available through the mobile SMS.
Type SMS: NU<space>MP<space> Registration No and send to 16222