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Go...... Visit..... Explore.....

You can visit different place of Bangladesh at your vacation, travel or any other occasions. Here there are many beautiful place to visit. It has sea beach, natural beauty, archeological place which is stands for thousands year history. Dhaka is the capital city with huge population and Chittagong is commercial city with a large sea port also some commercial industry. Those are beautiful in different season. Nature is incredible beautiful, just explore.......


Beautiful Bangladesh copy


Discover the Amazing Beauty of Bangladesh .....

Bangladesh is a beautiful country located in South Asia and maximum bordered by India and south side bordered by Bay of a Bengal.


Royal Bengal Tiger Bangladesh


There is lots of beautiful place, sea beach, river in this country. The official name of the country is the people’s republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka is the capital city located in the center of the country.

Rural Area of Bangladesh


The country has 160 million populations with 1, 47,570 sq km. This is a warm temperature country with annual average rain fall 203 mm. As it is a land of river, the is green in monsoon and that is a amazing scene. Now the time to discover the charming beauty ...........




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