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"Diploma in Social Compliance DSC" and "Diploma in Productivity and Quality Management DPQM" admission circular has been published. The last date of application submit is 18 September 2021.



The admission application is taken in online. DSC and DPQM six months diploma courses subject coverage and details information are given below.

Apply Here

DSC Admission in BIM 2021

PGDHRM Admission 2021: Applications are invited for admission for 1 years duration Post Graduate Diploma Cources by Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM) for the session 2021. Application fee: Tk. 500 and application deadline: 10 January 2021. Interested applicants have to apply through prescribed 'Online Application Form".



One year duration post graduate diploma courses are available on post graduate diploma for Human Resource Management (PGDHRM), Fenancial Management (PGDFM), Marketing Management (PGDMM), Industrial Management (PGDIM) and Computer Science (PGDCS). BIM also offer 6 month's diploma on productivity and quality management (DPQM) and Social Compliance (DSC) you have to wait for next diploma circular to admit.

Visit Here for the application form. Applicants are requested to read carefully online application instraction "How to fill up online application application form" & "Detail application procedure".



See the details of Post Graduate Diploma Cources circular of Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM).


Collect the application procedure file from the attachment below.

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I want to admit to Principle of Accounting. Which is one year masters program
Good day.
Please inform to me, When will the next PGDHRM course start. Course fees and how long it will take to complete.
Could you inform me when next PGDHRM course admission application will be started?
sir, i wanna know about PGD-productivity and quality management (DPQM). course fee, duration, and when i getting admission etc.
Is there any courses on Supply Chain Management is available here in BIM?
I want to admit in HRM one year masters program. When i have to apply for this course?
want to know when the admission in pgdhrm
plz give me update information about PGD courses.
What type of question could be come in the admission test?
I would like to get admitted in PGDHRM. Would you please inform me when the circular for admission will be published for this session?
Please let me know admission details of PGDHRM
I want to get myself admitted into Library and Information Science Diploma Course(6 months)..please tell me about the time/circular of admission.
I am eagerly interested to complete PGDHRM course so if you have no inquire then please confirm your circular of this course...
Procurement And Supply Chain Management
Wanted to know about PGDHRM admission circular
please inform me when the circular for admission will be published for the period.
plz inform me when the circular for admission will be published
I would like to get admitted in PGDHRM.Would you please inform me when the circular for admission will be published for the period of 2016?
I want to admission of HRM for six month . is it possible ?
I would like to complete the short course of PGDHRM from BIM.

Would you pls let me know when will be admission ?
when i will have to applied for PGDHRM.
I would like to admission. When i have to applied for this course. Have any evening shift.
I want to admission of HRM for six months or one it possible now?
When PGD HRM 2015 class will start? It's emergency
I want to admission of HRM .one year masters program .
When BIM will publish the result of PGD HRM 2014?
Dear Sir,

Do you have any quota related facility in admission?
Want to know about when will be circular PGDHRM 2014
I am earnestly interested to admit in the course of PGDMM.
Would you mind giving information of admission time ?
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