Hazrat Omar (R) was the second Caliph of the Arab Republic. He ruled from 634. A. D. to 644 A. D. He was a good soldier and wise ruler. He defeated the Emperors of Persia and Rome and made his kingdom very large.
Hazrat Hasan (R) was very pious and simple. One day while passing through a date-garden, he saw an Abyssinian slave. He was sitting in one corner of the garden with a small loaf of bread in his hand.
Hazrat Ali (R) was the fourth Caliph of Islam. He was the son-in-law of the Prophet. For his bravery he was called the “Lion of Allah.”
Awais Karni was a well-known saint of Yemen. He had none in the world except his blind and lame mother. So, much of his time was spent in helping her. For their livelihood he used to work as a cowherd at day time. The greater part of the night was spent in prayer and meditation. They were very poor. So he had to fast very often in order to help his poor neighbours.
Once upon a time a hare lived in a wood. She thought that she had many friends. Among her friends were a horse, a bull, a goat, a ram and a calf.
Hazrat Khawja Moinuddin Chisti was a great Muslim Saint. We know very little about his early life. He came to Delhi during the Hindu rule in India.
He did not remain in Delhi for long. He went to Ajmeer. Prithiraj, a famous Hindu king, then ruled in Ajmeer. Hazrat Khawja Moinuddin Chisti had forty followers with him.
Long ago, there lived a shepherd in a certain village. It was a very beautiful village by a wood. There were open spaces in the wood covered with soft green grass. There were hills of different sizes and heights all around.
One day a hare met a tortoise. She laughed at the tortoise and said, “You have as many legs as I have. But I am sure; you cannot run as fast as I can. Perhaps, you can’t run at all.”
Once upon a time there lived a very rich farmer. He had three sons. They were very healthy and strong. But they were very lazy. They spent their time in idleness and pleasure.
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