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National University Bangladesh has publish honours 1st year exam result on 03 April 2024. The NU honours 1st year exam was taken in 16 October to 28 November 2023. Avarage 88.43% students has passed successfully.



Result 2024: National University Bangladesh has published honours first year exam (regular-irregular) result in 03 April 2024. The national university was taken the first year exam from 16 October to 28 December 2023.

Total 4,43,480 students appeared to the 1st year exam in 2023 from 880 colleges.

Affiliated colleges had send the practical number within February to the university. Finally the 1st year exam result has been published in the expected time.

National university published the result after 4 months from the ending the exam. The students were greedily waiting for the result. The students were expecting that the result will be published in April 2024.



Alormela has known from a reliable source that the result is under processing to publish in the 1st part of April 2024.

Total pass rate for first year result was 88.43% in this year.

The students can get the result related all information from here. Everybody can collect their result from our site at after noon on result publishing day. The result also be available 04:00pm through mobile sms.



Go to your mobile massage option and type:

NU<space>H1<space>Reg No than send to 16222

Ex: NU H1 1234567 and send to 16222.

NU Honours First Year Result

National University Bangladesh is the largest university in Bangladesh. Million more students are studying in different subjects in this university.

NU Honours First Year Exam Result


honours 1st year exam result 2024



NU 1st Year Special Exam Result: National University honours 1st year special exam result has been published in 12 April 2023. 1st year special exam was held in 05 January to 02 February 2023.

National University affiliated colleges are speared all upazila and districts in Bangladesh. For latest updated all information keep your eyes on our site.

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