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Directorate of primary education DPE is thinking not to take the primary and ebtedayee final (somaponi) exam for the year 2021. The world and even Bangladesh are facing a dangerous pendemic. Thinking of children safety they cancelled the last year's public exam too. In this circumstances all of the primary school will take class-V final exam in the own school campus.

The government can announce that the students will attent to the assessment test (final exam) and the schools will send the result to DPE.

Last exam (year 2019): Primary School Somaponi and Ebtedayee exam has been begun from 17 November and it will be ended on 24 November 2019. The exam sheet will be examine in the own Upazila. Ministry of Primary and Mass Education took this decision.

We have shared you the details routine which is prepared by the ministry of Primary and Mass Education. 



Exam Routine 2019: Primary Schools & Ebtetayee shomaponi or Final Exam Routine has been published on 22 August 2019. The final exam has been started from 17-11-2019 and end on 24-11-2019. This routine is also applicable for the students of madrashah (Ebtadayee).

It has been announced from directorate of primary education (DPE) and ministry of Primary and Mass Education.
Primary school somaponi and Ebtedayee of Madrasah exam starts and ends by same schedule and both are given in same image. Exam starting time 10:30am to 1:00pm. You can know about exam center from your own academic institute. Admit card and registration card both will be issued from your institute. You have show admit card must when you would enter exam hall.
See the exam schedule here and you can download the final exam rules (Shomaponi netimala) as pdf file from here.
Primary School and Ebtedayee Somaponi Result
See Primary School Certificate Somaponi Exam Routine 2019.
Primary School Ebtadayee Somaponi Final Exam Routine
In this year total 29,03,638 students going to attend to the primary school somaponi (fina) and ebtedayee (madrasah) somaponi exam.

Primary School: Total 25,53,267 students from the primary school where boys are 11,81,300 and girls are 13,71,267.

Ebtedayee Madrasah: Total 3,50,371 students from madrasah where boys are 1,87,082 and girls are 1,63,289.

The somaponi exam will be held in the 7,470 exam center arround the country and 12 foreign exam center in the eight country. The result will be published in the end of the December.

Before it the JSC (Junior School Certificate) and the JDC (Junior Dakhil Certificate) exam started from the 2nd November 2019. According to the exam schedule the JSC and JDC exam ended on 14 November 2019.
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Is calculator allowed in psc exam?
Will the Primary Somaponi exam be held in next year?
At this time, question leaking of public exam is the cures of our nation. We should free from this situation.
I need PSC question.
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