Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology CUET honours 1st year admission test will be held on 12 October 2019. Admission test seat plan already published for candidates. CUET announced that the applicants can download admit card from 27 September to 12 October 2019.
Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) honors 1st year admission test seat plan has been published. Admission test will be taken on 24 October 2019.
Barisal University BU honours 1st year admission test has been postponed, new exam date will be announced soon. The university was announced that the admission test will be held on 18 and 19 October 2019 but now the date has been cancelled. Admit card is also available to download.
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology has announce admission test seat plan for session 2019-20. Admission test held will be held on 26 October 2019. SUST has taken application process in 06 October 2019.
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) 1st year admission test seat plan has been published. The admission test will be held on Friday 18th October 2019 at 09:30am to12:30pm.
Dhaka University has announced affiliated seven colleges honours 2nd year exam routine for year 2019. The 2nd year exam is going to start from 04 November 2019 by the subject English and Philosophy. Exam starting time morning at 09:00am in every day.
Dhaka University has changed Seven Colleges honours 3rd year examination routine 2019 and revised notice is included here. The 3rd year exam has been begun from Wednesday, 25 September 2019.
Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU) will publish honors 1st year admission test seat plan under the cluster admission system. Admission test will be held on 30 November 2019.
Islamic University, Bangladesh 1st year honors admission test session 2019-2020 routine and seat plan has been published. The exam will be started from 04 November and it will be completed on 08 November 2019.
Jagannath University (JNU) has published music department viva schedule and you can get here. The admission test for "Unit-1" will be held on Saturday, 21 September 2019. JNU"Unit-2" exam has been held in 20 September and "Unit-3" in 14 September. The details seat plan is available here.
Sylhet Agricultural University (SAU) has published admission test admit card and seat plan under cobmined agricultural university admission. SAU Admission test will be held on Saturday, 30 November 2019 at 11:00am. Total 75,000 students will be appeared at agricultural admission test.
Khulna University admission test seat plan and schedule has been published. The honors 1st year admission test will be held on 02 November, 2019. There are seven schools and 24 disciplines in Khulna University.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University has interchanged admission test routine for A & I unit. The university has publish honors 1st year admission test A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & I unit seat plan for session 2019-20. BSMRSTU has been published admission test schedule and admit card download schedule ended already.
Comilla University has published honors 1st year admission test schedule, seat plan and admit card download time line for session 2019-20. COU admission test will be held on 08-09 November 2019. Applicants can download admit card 24 October to 07 November 2019.
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