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Islamic University, Bangladesh 1st year honors admission test session 2019-2020 routine and seat plan has been published. The exam will be started from 04 November and it will be completed on 08 November 2019.

Admit card is available from 18 October. The date has been fixed in a university general meeting and the routine and seat plan published. 



IU admission circular and application process has been completed on 01 October 2019. Applicants can download admit card from 18 October to 01 November. Students can get admit card from online.

Admit Card

Islamic University will publish admission test details schedule and seat plan 2019-20 after providing the admit card.



You will get all information and updates about Islamic University on Alormela also as well as official website.

Islamic University Admission Test Result

Admissin test routine:

IU Admission Test Routine

Islamic University announced details admission test seat plan. Check your seat plan here with roll number.

IU Admission Test Seat Plan 1IU Admission Test Seat Plan 2IU Admission Test Seat Plan 3IU Admission Test Seat Plan 4

Islamic University Admission Circular

IU admission test seat plan is given above and also see the admission test routine here 2019-20.

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