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Shahjalal University of Science & Technology has announce admission test seat plan for session 2019-20. Admission test held will be held on 26 October 2019. SUST has taken application process in 06 October 2019.



The university will take admission test on 26 October and result would be pulished on 28 Otober 2019.

sust routine

Admission test seat plan are available here after publishing. Shahjalal University of Science & Technology admission related all information is found here. 

 Seat Plan Download

Login with user id amd password in the above link then click on the seat plan tab, you can see your seat plan.

Admission test will be held in two shifts at the same day. A unit exam will be held at 09:30am and B unit exam will be started on 02:30pm.



Students who have complete application, they can participate admission test. Total 86,182 candidates were applied for SUST Admission test 2019. Shahjalal University of Science & Technology has total 1,600 seats.

You can download the seatplan given below as paf attachment.

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