Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) honours admission test 2020-2021 of cluster admission primary application done and secondary application on processing. Application procedure time line was April-June 2021.
SUST and Public University GST Cluster Admission Notice
Old Circular 2019-20: SUST admission test will be held under two units which are A and B. A unit admisssion test will be held at 9:30am and B unit test will be held at 2:30 pm on 26 October. The first year admission circular of SUST is available in attachment below.
In 2014-15 session SUST and Jessore science and Technology University admission test was held by same question and under same circular. But from the session 2016-17 admission test has been taken separatly. Application will proceed through the Online.
Details Circular 2019 published already. Check here for new circular.
Circular 2019-20:
Admission test and application process is divided in two units that unit- A and B. Both students can apply through the website from 12 September 2019 to 06 October 2019.
Details Admission circular is given with description and instruction. You must follow the instruction before submit application other wise you application can be rejected. Application last date, admission test date and time are given below.
Students can also download admission prospectus and application procedure from here.