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Government primary school assistant teacher's recruitment Viva (Final) exam 2nd phase (Rajshahi, Khulna, Mymensingh Division) result has been published in 15 May 2024. The viva voce exam was taken few week ago. The 1st phase result of Rangpur, Barisal and Sylhet Division was published on 27 February 2024. Then the selected candidates from the MCQ exam had attend for viva exam under the applied district.



About 13,781 more candidates will be appointed in three phase from this recruitment exam. The recruitment circular also published in 2023 and application also taken in that year. We have published the result sheet here.


MCQ Result 2024:

Government primary school assistant teacher recruitment written (MCQ) exam was held on 08 December 2023 for 1st phase, 02 February 2024 for 2nd phase and 22 April 2024 for 3rd phase.

Download 1st, 2nd and 3rd Phase MCQ Result

Primary School Asst. Teacher Recruitment Circular

 The selected candidates of 1st, 2nd and 3rd  phase are as follows-

 Rangpur, Barisal, Sylhet  Rajshahi, Khulna, Mymensingh  Dhaka, Chittagong
 2,497  5,456  Waiting


Primary School Assistant Teacher Recruitment Viva Exam Final Result

Govt. primary school assistant teachers recruitment application submission process was finished in 2023 and the recruitment was published under 3rd Primary Education Development Program (PEDP-3) of Department of Primary and Mass Education, Bangladesh.



The selected candidates will join as Assistant teacher and appointment later on processing and you can contact to the education office to know more.




Download this alormela pdf file Primary Assistant Teacher Final Result, 1st Phase (Rangpur, Barisal & Sylhet)
 1 MB
Download this alormela pdf file Primary Assistant Teacher Final Result, 2nd Phase (Rajshahi, Khulna & Mymensingh)
 2 MB
Download this alormela pdf file Primary Assistant Teacher Final Result, 3rd Phase (Dhaka & Chittagong)
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