Honors admission test dates of Begum Rokeya University BRUR, Rangpur for academic year 2020-2021 for first year are included to the GST cluster admission method. Begum Rokeya University fist year admission test date fixed by universities Vice-Chancellors committee of cluster admission and the total admission program on processing.
"Diploma in Social Compliance DSC" and "Diploma in Productivity and Quality Management DPQM" admission circular has been published. The last date of application submit is 18 September 2021.
Rabindra University Bangladesh has taken the admission application 2020-2021 under central cluster method. The RUB honours 1st year admission circular was published 30 March 2021. The online admission application primary done and secondary time line 01-07 September 2021.
Bangladesh Open University BOU has started admission activities of four years duration LLB courses under the social science, humanities and language faculty. The class will be taken four days of each week in the Dhaka regional campus of the university. There is a special facility for job holder and their class will be held only Friday and Saturday in each week.
M.Phil and PhD Fellowship admission circular of National University has been announced for the year 2022-2023. Candidates have to apply online from June 14 to July 18, 2022.
Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council BNMC has published "Diploma in Nursing and Midwifery" and "BSC in Nursing" admission circular of all Government Nursing Institutes and Nursing College for the academic session 2021-2022. Applicants can submit application till 20 April 2022.
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