The Government of Japan has called application from school teachers for Monbukagakusho Scholarship 2017. This application has been called in Bangladeshi citizens. Applicants must be born on after 02 April 1982.
National University Bangladesh called for 1st release slip application from the students who could not admit according to the published merit list in admission session 2018-2019.
Standard Bank Limited is going to provide Educational Scholarship 2017 in the whole country as a part of their social liabilities. The students will eligible to apply who have passed Primary Somapony (PEC), JSC and SSC or equivalent exam in 2016.
Bangladesh Agricultural University BAU is going to take admission in 10 November 2018 and the university already published details admission test seat plan.
Honours 1st year exam routine of seven colleges under Dhaka University was published in 30 January 2019. The exam has been started from 14 February 2019 and the exam will be finished on 30 March 2019.
Bangladesh Open University HSC exam revised routine 2019 has been published in 15 April. The HSC examination will be started from 26 April 2019. This routine is applicable for the session 2019 and it is the last chance for batch 2013 .
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology CUET honours 1st year admission test will be held on 12 October 2019. Admission test seat plan already published for candidates. CUET announced that the applicants can download admit card from 27 September to 12 October 2019.
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited has been working for education as a part of social liabilities from it's starting. Now again IBBL offers scholarship 2019 for poor and merit students.
Prime Bank Foundation has invited application from graduation students in any institution of all over the country to get the scholarship. Prime Bank Foundation is providing this Scholarship as an educational support program in every year.
The Government of Bangladesh and the Islamic Development Bank, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia was established a joint venture Islamic Development Bank-Bangladesh Islamic Solidarity Educational Waqf. It is known as IDB-BISEW. IDB-BISEW has invited application with job confirmation from the talented underprivileged Muslim youth for development of IT sector.
Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology (RUET) honors 1st year admission test seat plan has been published. Admission test will be taken on 24 October 2019.
Barisal University BU honours 1st year admission test has been postponed, new exam date will be announced soon. The university was announced that the admission test will be held on 18 and 19 October 2019 but now the date has been cancelled. Admit card is also available to download.
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology has announce admission test seat plan for session 2019-20. Admission test held will be held on 26 October 2019. SUST has taken application process in 06 October 2019.
Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET) 1st year admission test seat plan has been published. The admission test will be held on Friday 18th October 2019 at 09:30am to12:30pm.
Dhaka University has announced affiliated seven colleges honours 2nd year exam routine for year 2019. The 2nd year exam is going to start from 04 November 2019 by the subject English and Philosophy. Exam starting time morning at 09:00am in every day.
Dhaka University has changed Seven Colleges honours 3rd year examination routine 2019 and revised notice is included here. The 3rd year exam has been begun from Wednesday, 25 September 2019.
Islamic University, Bangladesh 1st year honors admission test session 2019-2020 routine and seat plan has been published. The exam will be started from 04 November and it will be completed on 08 November 2019.
Jagannath University (JNU) has published music department viva schedule and you can get here. The admission test for "Unit-1" will be held on Saturday, 21 September 2019. JNU"Unit-2" exam has been held in 20 September and "Unit-3" in 14 September. The details seat plan is available here.
Khulna University admission test seat plan and schedule has been published. The honors 1st year admission test will be held on 02 November, 2019. There are seven schools and 24 disciplines in Khulna University.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University has interchanged admission test routine for A & I unit. The university has publish honors 1st year admission test A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & I unit seat plan for session 2019-20. BSMRSTU has been published admission test schedule and admit card download schedule ended already.
Comilla University has published honors 1st year admission test schedule, seat plan and admit card download time line for session 2019-20. COU admission test will be held on 08-09 November 2019. Applicants can download admit card 24 October to 07 November 2019.
Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur has been published honors first year, BSc (Engineering) & BBA Program admission test details schedule for session 2019-20 and admission test revised routine. BRUR admission test has been started by A Unit on 10 November 2019.
Dhaka University affiliated Seven College admission test will be ended on 13 November 2021 by Arts and Social Science Unit, Seat plan is available. The admit card has been issued from 22 September 2021. The admission test has been from 05 November by Business studies unit. The Science unit admission test has been held in 06 November.
Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examination result 2019 has published in December 31, 2018. If a student thinks he/she did not get expected number, the can apply for re-scrutiny his exam sheet. After re-exam their script accurate result will be published for them.
Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Education and National University Bangladesh has published academic annual holiday list for the year 2021.
Cox’s Bazar is an important tourist spot in Bangladesh. The economy of Cox’s Bazar depended on tourism. It is a district headquarters in Chittagong division and well known for its wide sandy beach.
You can visit different place of Bangladesh at your vacation, travel or any other occasions. Here there are many beautiful place to visit. It has sea beach, natural beauty, archeological place which is stands for thousands year history.
Christmas is the big festival of Christian religious. This is the 25th day of December. Every year December 25th Christmas day celebrates all over the worlds to the Christian religious. In the day Christian people greets each other saying "merry Christmas".
Sylhet is a major city of Bangladesh situated in north-eastern side. Sylhet is located on the banks of the Surma River and is surrounded by the Jaintia, Khasi and Tripura hills.
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