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Government high school assistant teacher's recruitment preliminary MCQ exam has been held in 06 September 2019. Bangladesh public service commission BPSC is processing the result to publish.

It has been known that the govt. high school's assistant teacher's MCQ test result would be published soon.



The recruitment MCQ preliminary test has been held in 200 marks, one marks of one question, exam time was two hours and 0.5 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. Government high school teacher is the most expected job position in Bangladesh.



The recruitment circular of it was announced in 09 September 2018 and application was taken from 10 September to 08 October 2018.

Govt. High School Assistant Teacher Exam Seat Plan

Total 2,35,293 candidates were applied for 1,378 vacant position under 12 categories. The recruitment test is taken in 170 exam centers around the eight divisional cities.
You can get the result from here when announced it.

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