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Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) 1st year, 1st semester Honours course admission test for academic session 2019-20 will be held same way of last year under cluster method. The admission test would be taken on 29 May 2021.



Circular 2019: Interested candidates can apply through the online. Total sets 1108 more in BAU and 3551 in whole cluster system.. The application process will be started from 10, September 2019 and it will be ended on 15, October 2019. You can collect Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) admission circular from here.

So never forget to see Agricultural University Cluster Admission Circular before submits you admission application form.



Applicants can download admit card from 01 to 30 November 2019. BAU admission test seat plan would be published on 05 November 2019. Students also know applicant details from combined admission circular of agricultural university. Admission test result would be published on 01 December 2019.

You must read the circular with carefully and submit your application accurately.

You may know that Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) took decision to take admission test in combined system with other five agricultural university and one science and technology university. So this admission process will be continued in cluster system from the year 2019 with other six universities.

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