Intermediate college's HSC Class-XI and equivalent admission's application will be begun from 26 May 2024. The online application process will be ended on 11 June 2024. The applicant's merit list will be published on 23 June 2024.
The United States is globally renowned for its prestigious universities and cutting-edge research in engineering fields. Bangladeshi students aspiring to pursue engineering studies can benefit immensely from the exceptional educational opportunities provided by these institutions.
SSC result re scrutiny application starts from 13 May and it will be continued till 19 May 2024. The students who are not satisfied on their result on specific subject they can apply for re-scrutiny. If you submit re-scrutiny application the authority will recheck your exam sheet and your result can be changed if any mistake happened before.
Bangladesh National University has invited online application for the Preli to Masters (Masters 1st year) admission. Application's ongoing and last date is 27 May 2024. Masters professional admission circular published 08 May 2024.
Honours 2nd year exam result 2024 of National University has been published on 16 May 2024. Students can get their result for all subject at the same time. The NU 2nd year exam was held in 30 November 2023 to 06 February 2024 and the result has been announced with in the expected timeline.
Government primary school assistant teacher's recruitment Viva (Final) exam 2nd phase (Rajshahi, Khulna, Mymensingh Division) result has been published in 15 May 2024. The viva voce exam was taken few week ago. The 1st phase result of Rangpur, Barisal and Sylhet Division was published on 27 February 2024. Then the selected candidates from the MCQ exam had attend for viva exam under the applied district.
18th non government teachers registration's preli exam result has been announced on 15 May 2024. Avarage 35.80% candidates successfully passed in the Preli exam and they are qualifed for the written exam. The preliminary exam for school, school-II and college phase has been taken on 15 March 2024. The written exam will be taken with in next few weeks.
SSC, Dakhil and SSC Vocational exam result 2024 is going to be announced 12 May 2024 and 1,82,29 students achieved GPA-5. The result calculation under "GPA" method in Bangladesh was started in 2001 by the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Exam Result. And in the 2003, GPA result system was started Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent level.
SSC Exam Result 2024 has been published on 12 May 2024 and average pass rate 83.04%. Total 1,82,129 students achieved GPA-5. SSC exam was begun from 15 February and ended on 12 March 2024. Generally the result published with in 60 days and authority also working hard to announce the result with in desire timeline.
The education boards has publish SSC, Dakhil and Vocational exam result on 12 May at 11:00am. Average pass rate 83.04%. The education boards had sent a proposal latter to the prime minister office to fixed the result date among 11-12 May and finally 12th May was selected. See how to get your result through the website or Mobile SMS. The SSC and equivalent exam has taken in 15 February to 12 March 2024.
Bangladesh Technical Education board has published SSC Vocational result on 12 May 2024. Average -----% students has passed from the technical board. The result has published in online and through the mobile SMS. The result is announced with in 60 days of exam ends.
Bangladesh Madrasah Education Board's Dakhil exam result 2024 has been published on Sunday, 12 May. Passed ---%. Total -------- students has appeared the Dakhil exam under Madrasah board. The Dakhil exam was taken in 15 February to 12 March 2024.
46th BCS preli MCQ exam result has been published on 09 May 2024. Total 10,638 candidates passed inn the preli exam. The BCS preliminary exam was held on 26 April 2024. Total 3,38,000 candidates has attend to the BCS preliminary exam, total applicants were 3,46,000 more.
National University honours 3rd year regular, irregular and grade improvement exam has been begun from 23 April 2024. The exam of 08 May has been changed to 09 May 2024. The exam routine had been published 04 March and it is available here as PDF file.
46th BCS preliminary MCQ exam will be taken on 26 April 2024, seat plan and admit card is available to download. You must collect and bring your admit card to enter in the exam hall. You have to get in early in the exam hall because the seat distribution will be setup in different method in this year.
Government Primary School Assistant teacher recruitment exam 3rd phase MCQ written revised result has been published on 22 April 2024. Total 46,199 candidates selected for viva exam in the 3rd phase. The 2nd phase result was published on 20 February 2024, 1st phase on 20 December 2023.
National University Bangladesh has publish honours 1st year exam result on 03 April 2024. The NU honours 1st year exam was taken in 16 October to 28 November 2023. Avarage 88.43% students has passed successfully.
Mid night, in 25 March, 1971, Pakistan army started a killing mission called 'Operation Search Light' on 7.5 crore Bangladeshi people. They arrested Bangabandu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman the leader of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Oil, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) has been invited application from qualified candidates for the 670 posts in 41 categories under the salary grade-9 and grade-10.
National University admission result 1st merit list will be published on 18 March 2024. The admission confirmation timeline 18 March to 01 April. The 2nd merit list can be published in the 2nd week of April. The admission application of NU was taken in 22 January to 28 February 2024.
Rajshahi University RU has publish A and B unit result on 13 March 2024. The C unit result published on 11 March. Generally RU result published with in 5-7 days of ending exam. RU C, A and unit admission test taken on 05, 06 and 07 March 2024. Selected candidates will fillup subject choice form with in the mentioned timeline depending on unit.
Geological Survey of Bangladesh ask for application from the interested and eligible candidates. Total 81 employee in 22 categories will be recruited. Applicants educational qualification require class-VIII pass, SSC, HSC or graduation which are varies on posts.
International Finance Investment and Commerce Bank Limited (IFIC Bank) is looking for young, dynamic talented graduate candidates for the post of Transaction Service Officer which is equivalent of Trainee Assistant Officer. The post job location is anywhere in the Bangladesh.
18th non-government NTRCA teachers registration preliminary exam will be taken on 15 March 2024 for the School, school-2 phase and college phase. Admit card is available to download.
You can visit different place of Bangladesh at your vacation, travel or any other occasions. Here there are many beautiful place to visit. It has sea beach, natural beauty, archeological place which is stands for thousands year history.
Dhaka is a busy city which is the capital of Bangladesh with its magnificent heritage, glorious culture and dazzling sceneries marks its four hundred years as capital city in 2008. Dhaka with the blend of traditional and modern architectural development possesses a plethora of splendours. It is founded in 1608 as the seat of Mughal Vicroys of Bengal.
Sylhet is a major city of Bangladesh situated in north-eastern side. Sylhet is located on the banks of the Surma River and is surrounded by the Jaintia, Khasi and Tripura hills.
Barishal is a division of Bangladesh which is situated southern part of the country and on the bank of Arialkha River. It is bounded by Dhaka in north, chittagong in the east, Khulna in the west and bay of Bengal in the south.
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