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Alormela Official Logo

Alormela: Alormela group was founded by some young students in 2006 for the purpose of social service and social education activities. In the mid of 2011 Alormela joined in IT sector in Bangladesh and in 2011 launched a jobs and education portal website which is and it got big success with a huge amount of young peoples engagement.

A diligent team is working always in Alormela to provide updated education and career news. An Administrative team control and plan for Alormela depending on feedback and visitors' response. We have permanent content writer and permitted news reporter working always to give updated news. Some blogger and social worker also included in our team to improve the content quality. An experienced web programmer and developer team is working to improve the site performance to serve the people in better and faster way.

We are aware about your privacy and our security experts recommended ensuring alormela cyber security. Our dedicated security experts provide high attention on your data privacy. So all of your data with Alormela is secured. Mentioned above element is the base of Alormela and we are serving you through the Alormela Web Portal, Alormela Bangla Blog and Alormela Forum.


Alormela Portal: Alormela Team launched the in 28 December 2011 as a web portal of Bangladesh. It is serving the people under this terms of service. The permitted writers of are publishing various types of information for the visitors. Recently we have launched a new portal "" in Bengali version from 13 November 2019 to serve the people better way. You will glad to know that already is made a popular web portal in Bangladesh and Alormela is the trusted name for career and education news.


Alormela Blog: Everybody will be glad to know that Alormela developer team opened a Bangla Blogs which is hosted on It is a public website and everyone able to write blog here. All writer, blogger and you are invited to the Alormela Bangla Blog. We also welcome your valuable feedback to improve it.


Alormela Forum: Because of its popularity, peoples' engegment, feedback, considering visitors' suggestion, advice, and need; Alormela is going to start a Bangla Forum hosted on You can ask in alormela forum about any problem to get better help and advice though the alormela community. And you should help others as per possibility.

Alormela Web Portal

Alormela Community: The word "Alormela" has been reached to the people of all classes in every where through the web social services. People are now connected to alormela in different way. To connecting all kind, we made a community called ALORMELA COMMUNITY. You are most welcome to the alormela community as honorable member. We expect you should be the source of inspiration through your activities in Alormela Family.


Awards: Safety Awards: has identified "" as one of the safest websites in 2022 for it's professionalism and thoughtful attitude. web safety award 2022


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