Ministry of water resource, Bangladesh published a job circular for the posts of Computer Operator, Steno Typist cum Computer Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Cashier and Office Support Staff.
Customs Intelligence & Investigation Directorate (CIID), Dhaka has invited online application to recruit following position from Bangladeshi applicants. The names of position are pper Division Assistant, Cashier, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Driver and Sepoy.
Custom House is called Online application from Bangladeshi candidates to recruit following 23 vacant positions. See details recruitment from below attached.
Ministry of Liberation War Affairs (MOLWA) has been published a circular to recruit 3rd and 4th class revenue posts. Only mention district of circular candidates can apply against the vacant posts.
Nuclear Power Plant Company Bangladesh has announced a recruitment circular for hundred more vacant post. According to the circular the interested and eligible candidates can apply to join as Assistant Manager (Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics), Senior Lab Technician (Chemical/ Electrical/ Electronics/Mechanical), Technician (Electrical /Electronics/ Mechanical) and Lab Technician (Chemical).
Ministry of Social Welfare has invited application for appointment to the vacant posts of Administration Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer, Personal Assistant, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist and Dispatch for Neuro Development Disability Protection Trust. The recruitment will be completed by parmanent resistant of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) has been invited application from qualified Bangladeshi candidates. Graduation degree or equivalent degree completed candidates can apply for this posts.
Rural Electricity Association, Noakhali, Feni and Habiganj has called application from Bangladesh candidate to filled their vacant posts. PBS district level circular is available here.
Bangladesh Diesel Plant Limited (BDP) has been published a recruitment for the posts of Assistant Engineer (Metrology/Mechanical), Accounts Executive, Deputy Assistant Engineer (Mechanical/Electrical), UDC, Office Assistant, Store Assistant, Skilled Technician, Car Mechanics, Driver and Security Guard.
Anti-Corruption Commission Bangladesh is known as Durniti Domon Commission and it has published a recruitment for the post of Steno Typist cum Computer Operator, Data Entry/Control Operator, Cashier, Driver, Constable, Dispatch Rider, Security Guard and Office Helper.
Sonali Bank Limited has invited application for the post of Senior Officer, Officer and Officer Cash from qualified candidates. The huge number of vacancy circular has been published by Sonali Bank under Bangladesh Bank. Total posts of Senior Officer-701, Officer-820 and Officer Cash- 755.
Bangladesh Ansar VDP has invites application from interested and qualified candidates to join in "Battalion Ansar" force. Minimum educational qualification require SSC or equivalent pass. Application on going.
Probashi Kallyan Bank has invited applications for some vacant posts. Available posts are Driver, Security Guard, and Office Assistant. Educational qualifications and other requirements are explained for these positions here.
Online application are invited for the post of Assistant Thana Education Officer by Bangladesh Public Service Commission (Non-Cadre) from eligable bangladeshi candidates. Candidates can submit their online application (BPSC FORM-5) though Bangladesh Public Service Commission website or Teletalk website.
Sonali Bank The largest commercial government bank of Bangladesh has invited application from interested candidates for the post of senior officer, officer and officer cash. Candidate's requirement educational qualifications for these posts are mentioned here.
Bangladesh Bank has been published 3 more recruitment circular for the post of "Officer, Assistant programmer, Assistant maintenance engineer" to fill up 200 more vacant position. The interested and eligible candidates can apply to join in Bangladesh Bank.
Bangladesh Bank has invited application though online from eligible Bangladeshi candidates for the positions of Assistant Director (statistics and research). Application's last date 30 September 2021. Details of the circular of recruitment has given below.
Medical Education and Family Welfare Division MEFWD is going to recruit steno typist cum computer operator, computer operator, cashier and office assistance. Online application process on going and interested and eligible candidates can submit application up to 21 October 2019.
Department of Social Services (DSS) is one of the leading government department under the Ministry of Social Welfare has invited application from Bangladesh nationals for the hiring of vacancy. Total numbers of positions are 10 more.
Madok Drobbo Niontron Odhidoptor (Department of Narcotics Control DNC) is going to recruit educated and qualified employees for the 129 vacant posts. DNC already invited application from the interested and eligible candidates to join in two different job categories.
Agricultural University cluster admission test result has been published in Thursday, 02 December 2021. The exam has been taken in 27 November 2021. The eligible applicants has participate to the exam.
Bangladesh Education Board has publish Junior Scholarship Result in 22 March 2020. This result is prepared based on the Junior School Certificate (JSC) Exam Result.
Primary school certificate and Ebtedayee exam result 2019 has been published in 31 December 2019, pass rate 95.50%. Generally primary somaponi result and JSC result published in same day and JSC exam result date already announce to publish on 31 December.
Dhaka University Affiliated 7-College admission test result for "Arts and Social Science Unit" has been published in 17 November 2021. The Science and Business Studies unit result has been published in 11 November 2021. The Business Studies unit admission test has been taken in 05 November, Science unit in 06 November, Arts and social science unit in 13 November 2021.
JSC (junior school certificate) of Bangladesh education board and JDC (junior dakhil certificate) exam result 2019 has been published in 31 December 2019. Success rate is 87.90%.
Bangladesh is enriched with its long history, arts and culture. The country is known as land of river and here common people formed a enriched heritage in different regions.
Barishal is a division of Bangladesh which is situated southern part of the country and on the bank of Arialkha River. It is bounded by Dhaka in north, chittagong in the east, Khulna in the west and bay of Bengal in the south.
Cox’s Bazar is an important tourist spot in Bangladesh. The economy of Cox’s Bazar depended on tourism. It is a district headquarters in Chittagong division and well known for its wide sandy beach.
Sylhet is a major city of Bangladesh situated in north-eastern side. Sylhet is located on the banks of the Surma River and is surrounded by the Jaintia, Khasi and Tripura hills.
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