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Welcome to the bloody victory day of Bangladesh. Three million peoples sacrificed their lives within the nine months (26 March 1971 - 16 December 1971) for the independence of Bangladesh. Pakistani General Niazi and his 93,000 army surrendered on 16 December 1971 after operating nine months bloody war. But in this short period they operated one of the largest genocide in the world history in Bangladesh.

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib in 7 March 1971

Genocide (25 March to 16 December 1971):

They butcherly killed about 30,00,000 civil and innocent peoples and raped about 2,00,000 women. They destroy most of deployment of Bangladesh. They set up fire about every town, villages and all over the Bangladesh.



The Pakistan military was starting their killing mission called "Operation Search Light" from the mid-night 26 March 1971 by attacking the East Pakistan Rifles (border guard), Police Line, Dhaka University and all over the Bangladesh. 


About one million people left the country in that night and about 1 crore people was made refugee within the nine months and cross the Indian border for survival purpose and then total Bangladeshi population was 7.5 crore.



Refugee camp in India:


refugee 1971 independent war in Bangladesh vs Pakistan


The people of all classes of Bangladesh try to protect the Pakistan military from their position and they founded the Liberation Army (Mukti Bahinee).

Bangladesh-freedom fighter 1971

freedom fighters-02

Finally, The Mukti Bahinee deadly attacked on the Pakistan army and defeated them on 16 December 1971.

About 93 thousand more Pakistan army surrender under the leading of General Niazi to Bangladesh-India combined force at Race Course field, Dhaka. General Arora of Indian army was signed surrender deed from Bangladesh-India side.

Indian government and Indian Army were support Bangladesh freedom fighter in every where and every how.

Pakistan army surrender in Bangladesh in 1971 with 93t thousand army

It was the most happy moment of Bangladeshi people.

victoryday of bangladesh in 1971


Bangladesh Liberation war


Bangladesh Liberation war


Bangladesh Liberation war

Bangladesh Liberation war


freedom fighter

Bangladesh Liberation war

Bangladesh Liberation war

Bangladesh Liberation war Women

Bangladesh Liberation war



Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman

Bangladesh Armed forces: After the ending of liberation war Bangladesh formed a well trained Army, Navy and Air Force to protect the country from future threat. (Pic: Bangladish Army)

bangladesh-victory day-2013

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