Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy has invited application from eligible and experienced Bangladeshi candidates for the posts of Instructor, Cultural Officer, Assistant Secretary, Assistant Director, Instrument Artist, Dancer, Assistant Public Relation Officer, Voice Artist, Dancer (Junior), Stenographer cum Computer Operator, Steno typist cum Computer Operator and Projector Operator.
Bangladesh Jail has been published a recruitment for the post of Pharmacist, Stenographer cum Computer Operator, Steno-Typist cum Computer Operator, Jail Assistant cum Computer Typist, Computer Typist cum Office Assistant, Office Assistant, Factory Overseer, Tank Taker, Car Driver, Teacher, Cashier, Master Tailor, Tailor, Blacksmith, Book Binder Instructor, Office Helper.
Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief has been invited application for to fill vacant 3rd & 4rd class position of Upper Division Assistant, Wirless Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Car Driver, Office Helper and Security Guard. Interested applicant should have passed Graduation degree or HSC or 8th class in any recognize institute.
Ministry of Jute, Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation has invited application for the recruitment in the subordinate mills of various posts. Only Bangladeshi citizens can apply following posts.
Department of shipping invited application to recruit some skilled people for the project "Establishment of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and Integrated Maritime Navigation System (EGINMS)".
The District Judge Court of Kishoreganj has been published a recruitment circular and call for application for the posts of Steno Grapher cum Cumputer Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Operator, Issuer and Office Helper.
Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited has called for application from interested and eligible candidates to recruit in vacant 79 posts under six categories.
Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) has called application for the posts of Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Research Fellow (SF) and Post Doctoral Fellow. Salary range around 67,000 to 71,000 taka per month.
Department of Immigration and Passport has been invited application from Bangladesh citizens for the post of Office Assistant cum Computer Typist and Record Keeper. Interested and qualified candidates can apply only online.
Department of Cooperatives has invited application to recruit for the following posts under the provided terms. Interested candidates must be experienced lawyer.
Ministry of Food has invited application from Bangladeshi citizens for non-cadre and non-gazetted posts. Candidates age limite 18-30 years. Total number of posts are 21 posts.
Technical and Madrasah Education Division (TMED) of Ministry of Education has called application from interested qualified candidates to join in various vacant posts. Salary range for the circulated posts is 20,000 to 27,000 taka.
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute has published job circular for the post of Scientist Officer, Veterinary Surgeon, Community Research Assistant, Accountant, Semen Collector and laboratory technician.
Bangladesh Navy invited application to join as Probationary Artificer and Sailor (B 2018 Batch) from Bangladshi man and women. Education qualification should have SSC passed and relevent trad course or Deploma completed
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