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Secondary Education Sector Investment Program has published recruitment circular for the posts of Resource Teacher (RT) under Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education's. Total vecancies are 1000 posts.



Interested candidates should have done graduation or postsgraduation degree in Mathemetics, English or science from any reputed University. 

Applicants age limit 18-30 years. Interseted and eligible applicants can apply only Online. Click below apply now botton and complete your online application form.

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 Online application will be started on 06 November 2017 and it will be continue on 21 November 2017.



Applicants must be upload SSC/Dakhil exam certificate and mark sheet of graduation degree in pdf format.  After successfully completed online application, candidates must be print application copy. Applicants also be recieved a confirmation massage

Details circular is given below as attached file.

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