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National Credit and Commerce (NCC) Bank Limited has invited appliction smart, young, energetic, self motivated and hard working candidate for the post of Junior Officer.



Required educational qualification is MBA/MBM/Masters or four years bachelor degree from any recognize university. Candidates should heve 2 first division/ class in academic result. Job location any where in Bangladesh.

The interested candidates can apply only Online application form. Online application are available here. Application last date on 25 July 2021.

Candidates age limit 30 years by 25 July 2021 and salary 37,500 taka.



Eligible and shortlist candidates will first appear written exam. The final selection will be made on the basis of merit taking written exam, IT test, Presentation and viva voce into consideration. Examination result will be published step by step by Bank website. Details Circular and instruction are given below.

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Job summary:

 Job position  Junior officer
 Application starts  01 July
 Application ends  25 July
 Age limit  30 years
 Salary (Taka)  37,500
 Application type  Online application
 Application fee  Not require

 ncc bank job circular 2021

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