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Tosrifa Industries Limited is a  manufacturing knit garment products manufacturing company in Bangladesh. The company has invited application for initial public offering (IPO) for enlisting to Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE).



Tosrifa Industries Limited will use 96.88% (Tk. 618,789,481.00) money taken from initial public offering (IPO) for Expansion of company's Business and 3.12% for IPO Expenses which is in amount Tk. 19,931,719.00.

Authorized Capital of Tosrifa Industries Limited is Tk. 1,000,000,000.00 where Pre- IPO paid-up Capital Tk. 344,698,000.00. IPO size of the company in shares: 24,566,200; IPO size in Tk. at face value Tk. 245,662,000.00 and IPO size in taka at offer price: Tk. 638,721,200.00. Subscription Open from March 24, 2015 and it will continue until March 31, 2015. Subscription period for NRB (Non Resident Bangladeshi) March 24, 2015 to April 09, 2015.


Tosrifa Industries Limited Information at a glance




1. Authorized Capital for IPO: 1,000,000,000.00 Taka

2. Pre-IPO paid-up Capital: 344,698,000.00 Taka

3. IPO size by shares: 24,566,200 shares

4. IPO size by taka at face value: 245,662,000.00 Taka

5. IPO size by taka at offer price: 638,721,200.00 Taka

6. Post IPO Paid-up Capital: 590,360,000.00 Taka

7. Market Lot: 200 Shares

8. Per share face value: 10.00 Taka

9. Per share offer price: 26.00 Taka

10. Per share NAV: 34.41 Taka as at December 31, 2013

11. EPS: EPS for the year ended on December 31, 2013 is 2.64 Taka and 2.49 Taka (Fully Diluted EPS).

12. Security Trading Code: TOSRIFA

13. Issue Manager(s): IDLC Investments Limited

14. Auditors: Masih Muhith Haque & Co.

15. Company Website:; visit for any more information. Also you are suggested to visit DSE website ( for further information.

Tosrifa Industries Limited IPO subscription Open from March 24, 2015 to March 31, 2015.

NRB (Non Resident Bangladeshi) subscription period from March 24, 2015 to April 09, 2015.


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