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Tejgaon College, Dhaka is the largest non-government college in Bangladesh has been published Intermediate Class XI (HSC) admission circular 2017. Online and SMS both types application are received form interested who are already passed SSC or equivalent exam.

The nomber of available seats are fixed are as following




 Business Studies  Science  Humanities
 900  500  300


How to apply:

Mobile SMS Application: You can apply from the Teletalk mobile connection following the rules-

CAD <space> 108533 <space> S/B/H <space> 1st 3 letter of SSC board name <space> SSC Roll <space> Year <space> N <space> B <space> FQ/EQ (if quota) and send to 16222.

Send reply SMS following way: CAD <space> Yes <space> PIN <space> Your Mobile No and send to 16222.



Be inform, what is S/B/H of above?

S= Science, B= Business Studies and H= Humanities. Use appropriate one, in which group you want to get admit.

Be inform, what is FQ/EQ?

FQ= Freedom fighter quota and EQ= Education Ministry quota. Use FQ or EQ if you have quota.

Tejgaon College EIIN Number: 108533

You can apply through the online. Just visit to submit online admission application.

tejgaon college admission

Application dead line 26 May 2017 and admission result will be published on 05 June 2017.


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