Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) has called application for the posts of Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Research Fellow (SF) and Post Doctoral Fellow. Salary range around 67,000 to 71,000 taka per month.
Mercantile Bank is invited to the skilled, smart candidates to join as Head and Deputy Head of Division, Head of Branch, Professional Accountant, Law Officer, Software Developer, Educational/Professional Exposure, Architect, Civil, Electric and Automobile Engineer at different location in Bangladesh. Selected candidates will be appointed as parmanent basis.
Department of Cooperatives has invited application to recruit for the following posts under the provided terms. Interested candidates must be experienced lawyer.
Technical and Madrasah Education Division (TMED) of Ministry of Education has called application from interested qualified candidates to join in various vacant posts. Salary range for the circulated posts is 20,000 to 27,000 taka.
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute has published job circular for the post of Scientist Officer, Veterinary Surgeon, Community Research Assistant, Accountant, Semen Collector and laboratory technician.
Bangladesh Navy invited application to join as Probationary Artificer and Sailor (B 2018 Batch) from Bangladshi man and women. Education qualification should have SSC passed and relevent trad course or Deploma completed
Ministry of Information has called application from Bangladeshi citizens to join in the project 'Children and Women awarness communation activities'. The vacancies posts is Office Assistant cum Computer Typist and Driver.
Bangladesh Civil Aviation Authority has invited application to recruit vacant position from Bangladesh man and women candidates. The vacant posts are Security Operator, Radio Technician, Motor Driver, Radio Mechanic, Security Guard and Launch Room Director.
Ministry of Agriculture is called application from Bangladeshi candidates to fill up various vacant posts. The posts are Investigator, Cashier, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Cash Assistant and Office Assistant.
Electricity Generation Company of Bangladesh EGCB Limited is an enterprise of Bangladesh Power Development Board. Recently EGCB has published a recruitment circular for the 75 vacant posts under 15 categories.
National River Conservation Commission Bangladesh (NRCCB) is going to recruit some skillful person for different categories vacant position under revenue section.
Dockyard and Engineering Works Limited managed by the Bangladesh Navy has been published a recruitment for various posts. The posts are Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Store Officer, Fore Man and Deputy-Assistant Engineer.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University BSMMU invited application from the interested and eligible skillful candidates to join as a teacher as position Professor of Neuro surgery and cardiology, Assistant Professor of Child.
Grameen Bank is going to recruit some skillful people for the post of "Learner Center Manager". The application is called from the Bangladeshi citizen who have passed the education level HSC exam.
Bank Alfalah Limited as a multinational foreign bank has invited application from skillful, creative and self motivated individuals for the posts of Business Development Officer. Job location is Dhaka.
Islamic Foundation has published recruitment to appointment eligible Bangladeshi candidates for Darul Arakam Madrashah. Qualified candidates can apply from Islamic Foundation application form. Applicant academic qualification must be graduation complete.
Energy and Mineral Resources Division (EMRD) has been published a circular for the posts of Steno Typist cum Computer Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Cash Sarkar, Office Assistant.
Ministry of Religious Affairs (MRA) has invited application from Bangladesh citizen for the posts of Steno-Typist cum Computer Operator, Cashier, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Photocopy Operator and Office Helper.
Department of Disaster Management (DDMR) has been invited application from Bangladeshi candidates for the posts of UDA, Radio Technician, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Driver, Office Helper (MLSS) and Security Guard.
Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA) has been published a recruitment for the posts of Accountant, Assistant Librarian, Personal Assistant, Account Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Cataloger, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Telephone Operator, Receptionist and Sample Collector.
Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market is the national institute managed under Bangladesh Security and Exchange Commission. BICM is looking few skilled human resources for different posts.
Planning Commission has been published a recruitment to appointment vacant position for SDBM Project. The posts are System Analyst, Assistant Programmer, Assistant Accountant Engineer, Research Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Computer Operator.
Recently Dhaka WASA has published recruitment for the posts of Accounts Officer and Accountant. Applicant must be passed BBA, M.Com, MBA, BBS, BCom on respective subjects from the reputed university.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has invited application from Bangladeshi citizen for the posts of Statistics Investigator, Upazila Statistician, Statistics Assistant, Junior Statistics Assistant, Enumerator, Junior Operator and Book Binder. Total numbers of vacancies are 593 posts.
Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms has invited application from Bangladesh nationals for the post of Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Car Driver, Record Keeper and Office Assistant.
Khulna is located in south-western side of the country with a total area of 59.57 sq km on the bank of Bay of Bengal. It is the third biggest city of the country.
In the southern part of the delta lines the Sundarban, is the largest mangrove forest in the world. Khulna is famous for shrimp, newsprint paper and some other industries.
Dhaka is a busy city which is the capital of Bangladesh with its magnificent heritage, glorious culture and dazzling sceneries marks its four hundred years as capital city in 2008. Dhaka with the blend of traditional and modern architectural development possesses a plethora of splendours. It is founded in 1608 as the seat of Mughal Vicroys of Bengal.
Cox’s Bazar is an important tourist spot in Bangladesh. The economy of Cox’s Bazar depended on tourism. It is a district headquarters in Chittagong division and well known for its wide sandy beach.
Bangladesh is enriched with its long history, arts and culture. The country is known as land of river and here common people formed a enriched heritage in different regions.
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