National University under-graduate professional courses 2nd merit list will be published on 21 November 2022. The waiting applicants now fillup admission release slip form to complete their admission process. Honours professional courses 1st merit list was published in 01 November and 2nd merit list published in 21 November.
National University degree 1st year and honours 2nd year exam form fill-up application is going on. The degree pass course 1st year form fill-up last date on 28 November and honours 2nd year form fill-up has been extended till 24 November 2022. The NU students can know honours 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year, degree pass course's 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and masters 1st, 2nd year exam form fill-up notice from here.
Bangladesh Bank Assistnat Director (General) recruitment MCQ preliminary exam result has been published in 02 November 2022. The MCQ exam was held in 28 October 2022. Total 5,671 candidates has finally selected to attend to written exam.
ICC World Cup Twenty20 is a international cricket tournament that is maintain by International Cricket Council (ICC). ICC World Cup 2021 is the seventh tournament that scheduled to take place in the Oman from October 17, 2021 and finished with final match on November 14, 2021. This is first time that an Arabian country is hosting the event. Previously India hosted the event in 2016.
Bangladesh Premier League (BPL T20) Cricket series 5th session was started from 04 November 2017. Accourding to the new schedule, at the first match was held between Sylhet Sixers and Dhaka Dyamites. The 1st, 2nd, 3nd and 4th BPL session also held in gradually 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016.
Mustafizur Rahman is a left-arm pace bowler of Bangladesh born in Satkhira. He is the most fast growing cricketer of the world now. After the admission to the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) he has been caught by the coaches to make the Bangladesh Under-19 side for the 2014 World Cup.
Cricket is a popular game in the world. T20 cricket is very exciting and T20 Asia Cup Cricket is knocking at the door. From February 24, 2016 it is going to be start in Bangladesh.
BPL T20 Opening Ceremony live video streaming and score ball by ball is published here. We also display here Current match's live streaming of this tournament. Bangladesh Premier League 2015 will be started on 22 November 2015.
Indian Premier League IPL T20 2014 cricket is the seventh IPL (IPL7) going to be held in India by a huge number of famous worldwide cricketer. There are nine team for IPL 6 and all team named by different place of India.
The 2012 UEFA European Football Championship, reffered to Euro 2012 is the 14th European championship organised by UEFA. Euro 2012 is hosted by Poland and Ukraine between 8 June and 1st July 2012. The tournament feathers 16 nations and it will be played in 8 venues. The venue of the final match of Euro 2012 is olympic Stadium, kiev with 60,000 capacity.
Aamra Technologies Limited IPO submssion will be start from April 01, 2012 and will close oo April 05, 2012. Subcripcribtion for NRB from April 01, 2012 to April 14, 2012. Face value per share Tk. 10.00 and offer price per share Tk. 24 (Including Tk. 14 premium).
There is an amendment for viva for officer recruitment of Agrani Bank Ltd for date 28/01/2012. New date and time of viva 30/01/2012 (Monday) 4pm and 31/01/2012 (Tuesday) 4pm instant of 28/01/2012 (Saturday). Listed candidates are requested to attend their viva on following dates.
Successful candidates are requested to attend an interview for the post of Assistant Officer (Cash) of the EXIM Bank, Date and time of interview mentioned against their roll number on the pdf file. Interview will be held at EXIM Bank, Head Office, 2nd Floor, Symphony, Plot # SE (F) 9, Road # 142, Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan - 1, Dhaka - 1212.
Position open for Assistant Director (General Side) of Bangladesh Bank under national pay scale 2009, BDT 11,000/-490x7-14,430/-EB540x11-20,370. Educational Qualification: 4yrs honors / Masters degree from any govt. approved university with at least two first division/class. Third division/class in any examination is not allowed.
Finally, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education have taken a decision to appointed the paneled candidates of non-government registered primary schools Assistant teachers. About 28 thousand paneled teachers will be recruited as Assistant teachers of Government Primary Schools in the whole country.
Janata Bank Limited "Execuitive Officer-Engineer" MCQ and Written exam date and Admit Card has been published. Janata bank "Executive Officer Engineer" written and MCQ exam will held on 06 January 2017.
Agrani Bank Limited has announced Officer (Cash) written exam date. This MCQ exam also taken in 15 December 2017. The written exam date has been fixed and it will be taken on 20 January 2018 at 2.30pm-04.30pm.
Basic Bank announced the date of recruitment test (MCQ) for the post of Assistant Manager. The MCQ recruitment exam will be held on 26 January 2018 at 10:00am to 11:00am. The details seat plan of this recruitment test already published.
Sonali Bank has published Officer (Cash) MCQ exam schedule. Officer (Cash) MCQ exam will be held on 27 April 2018. Sonali Bank has announce the exam date and seat plan for the applied posts.
Rupali Bank Officer (Cash) written exam date has been announced again. The written test for the post of Officer (Cash) will be held on 28 April 2018 and total 4079 candidates will attend to this exam who already passed the MCQ exam.
Bangladesh Public Service Commission has been published examination date, admit card and seat plan of Govt Secondary School Assistant Teacher under Secondary and Higher Education Department of Ministry of Education.
Application are invited for Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)/Electrical and Communication Engineering of National University for the education year 2011-2012. Duration of the course is 4yrs and students can apply to get admission on listed institute/college of National University. Student can apply online from 16/02/2012.
Last Date of Admission: 25/03/2012.
Application forMaster in Bank Management (MBM) at National University 2012 is open now. Candidate should download the application form and submit the form to respected college after fulfilling the requerments. Online form available from: 18/01/2012.
Directorate General Health Service has been published Institute of Health Technology (IHT) admission circular for session 2016-2017. Only permanent residents of Bangladesh can apply for admission.
Bangladesh Marine Academy has invited application to join the 53th batch as Nautical and Engineering Cadet under Bangabandhu Sheikh Mojibur Rahman Maritime University. Online application has been started on 19 August 2016.
Sylhet is a major city of Bangladesh situated in north-eastern side. Sylhet is located on the banks of the Surma River and is surrounded by the Jaintia, Khasi and Tripura hills.
Rajshahi is one of the six metropolitan cities of Bangladesh. Rajshahi is located in the north-west of the country and situated on the bank of Padma river with population of around 475,000 people and total area is 96.69 sq km.
The city is also known as Rampur Boalia. Rajshahi is famous for Silk Industries, Mango and Lychee. Rajshahi is also famous for its Characteristic sweetmeats.
Barishal is a division of Bangladesh which is situated southern part of the country and on the bank of Arialkha River. It is bounded by Dhaka in north, chittagong in the east, Khulna in the west and bay of Bengal in the south.
Chittagong, is a commercial capital of Bangladesh has a busy international sea port and airport. it has green hills, spacious sandy beach and elegant cool climate always attract the holiday- makers described by the Chinese traveler and poet, Huen Tsang.
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