Energy and Mineral Resources Division (EMRD) has been published a circular for the posts of Steno Typist cum Computer Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Cash Sarkar, Office Assistant.
Ministry of Religious Affairs (MRA) has invited application from Bangladesh citizen for the posts of Steno-Typist cum Computer Operator, Cashier, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Photocopy Operator and Office Helper.
Department of Disaster Management (DDMR) has been invited application from Bangladeshi candidates for the posts of UDA, Radio Technician, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Driver, Office Helper (MLSS) and Security Guard.
Bangladesh Food Safety Authority (BFSA) has been published a recruitment for the posts of Accountant, Assistant Librarian, Personal Assistant, Account Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Cataloger, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Telephone Operator, Receptionist and Sample Collector.
Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market is the national institute managed under Bangladesh Security and Exchange Commission. BICM is looking few skilled human resources for different posts.
Planning Commission has been published a recruitment to appointment vacant position for SDBM Project. The posts are System Analyst, Assistant Programmer, Assistant Accountant Engineer, Research Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Computer Operator.
Recently Dhaka WASA has published recruitment for the posts of Accounts Officer and Accountant. Applicant must be passed BBA, M.Com, MBA, BBS, BCom on respective subjects from the reputed university.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) has invited application from Bangladeshi citizen for the posts of Statistics Investigator, Upazila Statistician, Statistics Assistant, Junior Statistics Assistant, Enumerator, Junior Operator and Book Binder. Total numbers of vacancies are 593 posts.
Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms has invited application from Bangladesh nationals for the post of Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Car Driver, Record Keeper and Office Assistant.
A Recruitment circular has been published for the posts of Head Display Officer, Assistant Programmer, Gallary Assistant, Office Assistant cum Computer Operator, Telescope Operator, Assistant Curator and Car Driver by National Museum of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
Chittagong Medical College Hospital has been published a job circular for the posts of Steno-typist cum Computer Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Telephone Operator and Driver.
Directorate General of Family Planning has published a recruitment for the posts of Supply Officer. Only Bangladesh citizen can apply for this pots. Total vacancies are 18 posts.
Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) has invited application for the posts of Office Assistant cum computer Typist and Office Helper (MLSS). Total position are 21 posts.
Bangladesh Armed Services Board (BASB) has invited application for the posts of Clark (UDA) and Office Assistant cum Computer Typist.
Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission has announced a recruitment to fill up some vacant position for Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allowed Sciences. Interested candidates can apply for the posts of Madical Officer.
Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives has been invited application to recruit for the following posts under the implementation of 'CVDP' Project by Rural Development and Cooperatives Division.
Directorate of Inspection and Audit (DIA) has published a recruitment for the posts of Stenographer cum Computer Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Record Keeper, Driver, Photocopy Operator, Cash Sorkar, Office Helper and security Guard.
Private commercial bank in Bangladesh the Modhumoti Bank Limited (MBL) has invited application from the high qualified and interested candidates to join Probationary Officer posts with attractive salary for Head Office and Branches.
Press Information Department (PID) is called application from Bangladeshi candidates to fill-up vacant position of 3rd and 4th class posts. Interested candidates can apply only online.
Mercantile Marine Department (MMD), Chittagong has invited application from permanent resident of Bangladesh to fill up vacant position. The vacant posts are Accountant.
Prime Minister's Education Assistant Trust has been created an opportunity to directly join for the posts of Office Assistant cum Computer typist posts. Candidates of all district can apply for this post.
Bangladesh Scouts has been called application form Bangladeshi candidates for the posts of Assistant Director, Assistant Accountant, Audio Visual Operator, Liftman, House keeper, Gardener and Nurse.
Ministry of cultural affairs, Bangladesh invited application for the post of Stenographer cum Computer Operator, Computer operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist and Office Helper. Total vacant posts are 6.
Health Engineering Department (HED) has been published a recruitment for the posts of Computer Operator, Stenographer cum Computer Operator, Upper Division Assistant, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Data Entry Operator and Driver.
Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) has invited application form Bangladeshi citizen. Total vacancies are 18 position in 18 categories. Applicant’s educational qualification should have graduation degree in related field with good knowledge of Computer literacy.
Christmas is the big festival of Christian religious. This is the 25th day of December. Every year December 25th Christmas day celebrates all over the worlds to the Christian religious. In the day Christian people greets each other saying "merry Christmas".
Khulna is located in south-western side of the country with a total area of 59.57 sq km on the bank of Bay of Bengal. It is the third biggest city of the country.
In the southern part of the delta lines the Sundarban, is the largest mangrove forest in the world. Khulna is famous for shrimp, newsprint paper and some other industries.
Rajshahi is one of the six metropolitan cities of Bangladesh. Rajshahi is located in the north-west of the country and situated on the bank of Padma river with population of around 475,000 people and total area is 96.69 sq km.
The city is also known as Rampur Boalia. Rajshahi is famous for Silk Industries, Mango and Lychee. Rajshahi is also famous for its Characteristic sweetmeats.
Barishal is a division of Bangladesh which is situated southern part of the country and on the bank of Arialkha River. It is bounded by Dhaka in north, chittagong in the east, Khulna in the west and bay of Bengal in the south.
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