Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) and Junior School Certificate (JSC) exam result has been published in 31 December through the website and mobile SMS. Getting JSC and JDC result can be delayed for much traffic. In this case you can see the result using the mobile SMS system.
Final result for the post of Officer (Cash) has been published in 26 July 2018. The Written exam was held in 20 January and viva was held in 28-05-2018 to 04-04-2018. Finaly 276 candidates selected to join as Officer (Cash Officer) position.
Jagannath University (JNU) "Unit-1"(Science) admission test result has been published in 17 October 2019. Unit-1 Exam was taken in 21 September. "Unit-3" (Business Studies) result has been published in 13 October and 'Unit-2' (Humanities) in 08 October 2019. JNU Unit-3 Admission test has been taken in 14 September, Unit-2 (Humanities) in 20 September and Unit-1 (Science) in 21 September 2019.
Written (MCQ) exam for the post of “Office Assistant cum Computer Operator, stenographer cum computer operator, stenotypist cum computer operator, physical exercise teacher, research assistant, assistant librarian cum cataloguer, store keeper/cashier” of DSHE recruitment circular written result has been published in 19 January.
Honours first year admission test result 2017-18 of Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) has been published in 20 November 2017 at 8:00pm. The admission test was held in 18 November 2017 and the application procedure was completed in 15 October to 04 November 2017.
Jessore University of Science and Technology has been announced 1st year Bachelor degree admission test result 2015-16. JUST "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E" unit admission test was held on 15-17 Dec 2015.
Thousand more visitors contact us to update and re-upload the Registered Primary School Assistant Teacher’s Recruitment final result 2010. The result also published on 2012.
Final result of registered (non-government) primary school teacher’s recruitment result of DPE was published on 09 April 2012. The result was published on district based and also divided it by upazila. Total 42611 candidates were finally selected for join to the non government registered primary school as assistant teacher.
Bangladesh Ansar VDP has published 3rd and 4th class written exam result on 03 August 2015. Written exam was held on 20 March to 03 April 2015 in Ansar VDP Academy.
Bangladesh Public Service Commission has been published preliminary MCQ exam result for the post of Assistant Upazila/Thana Education Officer (ATEO) under Directorate of Primary Education controlled by Ministry of Primary and Mass Education on 03 October 2016.
Department of livestock service (DLS), Farmgate, has published a circular for the posts of Laboratory Technician, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Laboratory Attendent, Compundar, Poltry Technician and FA. Total position are 52 posts.
Office of the Comptroller General Defence Finance Bangladesh (CGDF) has published a recruitment for the post of Junior Auditor. Only eligible and Bangladeshi citizen can apply for these posts following their terms and condition.
Mutual Trust Bank Limited has published a job circular for the posts of "Customer Service Executive". Requirement qualification Graduation degree in any related discipline from a highly reputed university.
Ministry of Youth and Sports (MOYSports) has been called online application to recruit vacant posts directly. Only Bangladeshi candidates can apply for this post.
Post Master General, East zone, Rajshahi has invited application from Bangladeshi permanent residents for appointment. The vacancies are Upper Division Assistant, Steno Typist cum Computer Operator, Mechanic, Compounder, Postal Operator, Draftsman, Driver, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Pump Operator, Dresser and Boatman.
Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) has invited application for the posts of Scientist Officer, Assistant Scientist , Auditor, Office Assistant cum Computer Operator, Driver, Library Assistant, Bimar, Security Guard and Cleaner.
Department of Public Health Engineering DPHE has published a recruitment circular under the ministry of local government and rural development. The employee will be appointed under revenue section.
Eastern Bank Limited invited application from talent graduates for the post of Trainee Assistant Officer, Cash Area. EBL is an equal opportunity for employer. Candidates qualification should have Graduation degree from a well reputed university.
Mongla Port Authority announced a job circular for 334 vacant post in 27 category position under the revenue section. The online application has been started from 22 September and last date of application submits in 20 October 2019.
Sheikh Hasina University, Netrakona as a first digital University of Bangladesh has invited application from original Bangladeshi candidates to fill up vacant posts.
Payra Port Authority has been invited online application from original Bangladeshi candidates for various vacant posts. Total position numbers are 177. Online application and exam fee submission has been started on 25 September 2019 at 10.00am.
Department of Public Libraries under Ministry of Culture Affairs has been invited application to directly join for the posts of Junior Librarian, Computer Operator, Technical Assistant, Reading Hall Assistant, Library Assistant, Reading Room Assistant cum Reference Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Accounts Assistant, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Dispatch Rider, Book Shorter, Book Shorter (Office Helper), Binder, Office Helper, Office Helper/Security Guard, Security Guard, Gardener, Check Post Attendant and Cleaner.
Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority recently has published recruitment for posts of Assistant Secretary, Assistant Manager, Assistant Engineer and Office Assistant cum Computer Operator.
Bangladeshi Specialized Development Bank, Karmasangsthan Bank has invited online application from eligible Bangladesh citizens for the posts of 'Assistant Officer' general and cash.
Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation BRTC is going to recruit some Bus/ Truck driver. Total vacant position are 90 posts.
Bangladesh Submarine Cable Company Limited BSCCL is government operated public limited company which is controlled by Posts and Telecommunications division. BSCCL has called for application to recruit employee for the vacant position.
Sylhet is a major city of Bangladesh situated in north-eastern side. Sylhet is located on the banks of the Surma River and is surrounded by the Jaintia, Khasi and Tripura hills.
Christmas is the big festival of Christian religious. This is the 25th day of December. Every year December 25th Christmas day celebrates all over the worlds to the Christian religious. In the day Christian people greets each other saying "merry Christmas".
Barishal is a division of Bangladesh which is situated southern part of the country and on the bank of Arialkha River. It is bounded by Dhaka in north, chittagong in the east, Khulna in the west and bay of Bengal in the south.
Khulna is located in south-western side of the country with a total area of 59.57 sq km on the bank of Bay of Bengal. It is the third biggest city of the country.
In the southern part of the delta lines the Sundarban, is the largest mangrove forest in the world. Khulna is famous for shrimp, newsprint paper and some other industries.
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