Rajshahi Agricultural Development Bank invites application from Bangladshi candidates for the post of Computer Operator, Supervisor, Chashier, Data Entry Operator and Driver.
Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs of Bangladesh is going to recruit directly as Office assistant cum Computer operator position. The application are invited form the Bangladeshi qualified candidates under following terms and condition which are mentioned in the circulation.
Directorate of National Consumer Rights Protection (DNCRP) has been published a recruitment for the post of Personal Assistant, Laboratory Assistant, Data Entry Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist and Driver under Ministry of Commerce.
Bangladesh Forest Research Institute BFRI published a recruitment circular under the bangladesh climate change trust fund for the project of "Studies on the honey bees of the Sundarbans in relation to climate change and livelihood improvement".
National Human Rights Commission has created opportunity for Bangladeshi citizens to join for the posts of Assistant Director, Personal Assistant of Chairman, Accountant, Banch Assistat, Office Assistant cum Computer Operator and Data Entry Operator.
Bangladesh Employee Welfare Board's (Bangladesh Karmachari Kallyan Board) Head Office and Divisional Offices has been invited application to recruit following vacant positions.
Ministry of Home Affairs has been called application from Bangladeshi citizens for the following posts at the grade of 13, 16 and 20 (3rd and 4th class). Computer operator, Stenographer cum Computer Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Office Helper are the posts of this recruitment.
A fourth generation Bank, Meghna Bank Limited has been invited application to hire for the post of "Branch Manager (PO-SVP), Deputy Manager (SO-AVP) and Credit or Foreign Exchange Officer (JO-SPO)".
Directorate of Primary Education (DPE) has invited application for the post of Office Helper, despatch rider, Security guard, Gardener and Cleaner. Total vacancies are 1000 posts.
Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited is invited application from the following educational qualified candidates to recruit in mentioned job position in below.
Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation BCIC announced a vacancy notice for 156 posts under eight categories. The qualified employees will be recruited to the chemical factory which are controlled by BCIC. Candidates have to submit application through the online.
Ministry of Public Administration (MOPA) has invited online application from Bangladeshi citizen for the posts of Steno-typist cum Computer Operator, Computer Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Operator, Data Entry/Control Operator and Office Helper.
Department of Fisheries is going to recruit 230 more employee under 19 job categories. They are invited application from the eligible and qualified Bangladeshi citizen to join for these position.
ICB Islami Bank Limited called for application for the post of Head of Business and Head of Finance and Accounts. Education qualification MBA, MBA or Masters degree require in any discipline for the post of head of business and Charted accountent, Management accountant and MBA in finance and accounting is preferred. Experience require to apply for these posts.
National Bank Limited is a fully Bangladeshi owned bank in the private sector has been created job opportunity for interested candidates to join the posts of Probationary Officer.
Rupali Bank Limited has invited application for the post of "Officer-Cash". Applications are accepting by Online application system. Total vacancies are 328 positions. Candidates must be a citizen of Bangladesh.
Secondary Education Sector Investment Program has published recruitment circular for the posts of Resource Teacher (RT) under Directorate of Secondary & Higher Education's. Total vecancies are 1000 posts.
Applications are invited for Jamuna Bank Limited a leading private commercial bank for the post of Management Trainee Officer/Probationary Officer. Education qualification should have 4 years graduation degree in Business, Bank Management, Econmics, CSE, Textile Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, EEE, Civil Engineering or MBA from any reputed University..
Bangladesh Ansar VDP Unnoyon Bank published recruitment circular for the post of "Officer (General)" side to fill up 164 vacant position. University graduated can apply to join this position. Entire gross salary of this post 38640/- taka per month.
Bangladesh Jail has been published a recruitment for the post of Pharmacist, Stenographer cum Computer Operator, Steno-Typist cum Computer Operator, Jail Assistant cum Computer Typist, Computer Typist cum Office Assistant, Office Assistant, Factory Overseer, Tank Taker, Car Driver, Teacher, Cashier, Master Tailor, Tailor, Blacksmith, Book Binder Instructor, Office Helper.
Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief has been invited application for to fill vacant 3rd & 4rd class position of Upper Division Assistant, Wirless Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Car Driver, Office Helper and Security Guard. Interested applicant should have passed Graduation degree or HSC or 8th class in any recognize institute.
The leading commercial private bank the Premier Bank Limited has published a job circular for the post of Trainee Junior Officer (General) and Trainee Junior Officer (Cash). Educational qualification are MBA, MBM, BBA, Masters degree or 04 years Graduation degree with minimum CGPA 3.00 or 2.5 from any reputed university.
Department of shipping invited application to recruit some skilled people for the project "Establishment of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System and Integrated Maritime Navigation System (EGINMS)".
The District Judge Court of Kishoreganj has been published a recruitment circular and call for application for the posts of Steno Grapher cum Cumputer Operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Operator, Issuer and Office Helper.
Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited has called for application from interested and eligible candidates to recruit in vacant 79 posts under six categories.
Chittagong, is a commercial capital of Bangladesh has a busy international sea port and airport. it has green hills, spacious sandy beach and elegant cool climate always attract the holiday- makers described by the Chinese traveler and poet, Huen Tsang.
Barishal is a division of Bangladesh which is situated southern part of the country and on the bank of Arialkha River. It is bounded by Dhaka in north, chittagong in the east, Khulna in the west and bay of Bengal in the south.
Bangladesh is enriched with its long history, arts and culture. The country is known as land of river and here common people formed a enriched heritage in different regions.
Rajshahi is one of the six metropolitan cities of Bangladesh. Rajshahi is located in the north-west of the country and situated on the bank of Padma river with population of around 475,000 people and total area is 96.69 sq km.
The city is also known as Rampur Boalia. Rajshahi is famous for Silk Industries, Mango and Lychee. Rajshahi is also famous for its Characteristic sweetmeats.
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