Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) has called application from Bangladeshi nationals for 2237 vacant posts. Requirement qualification should have class eight pass, SSC, HSC or graduation as per job position. The employees will be recruited under 12 categories.
Audit, Intelligence & Investigation Directorate, Value Added Tax, Dhaka is asking for online application to recruit computer operator, upper division assistant, office assistant cum computer typist and car driver. The last date of online application submit is 05 February 2023.
NTRCA has published 4th public recruitment circular to appoint 68,390 non-government teachers in secondary schools and colleges around the country. The e-requisition application ongoing and last date is 29 January 2023. Application fee 1,000 Taka.
Department of Environment has invited reccruitment application from the pure Bangladeshi citizen for the following 275 vacant position. The name of posts are projectionist cum camera man, accountant, stenographar cum computer operator, upper division assistant, research assistant, sample collector, data entry operator, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist, Store Keeper, car driver, process server, cash register and office helper.
Bankers selection committee has announced the recruitment MCQ test admit card and seat plan for the post of Senior Officer (General) of eight bank and a financial institute's recruitment. The MCQ exam will be held on 20 January 2023 at 10:00am to 11:00am. You can get the seat plan from here.
Armed Police Battalion APBN is a specialized force of Bangladesh police. Recently APBN is going to recruit 116 constables in 4 categories. Applicant's minimum educational qualification require JSC or class-eight pass.
10 Banks and financial organizations are the member of Bankers Selection Committee of Bangladesh Bank and published a job circular for the post of Senior Officer. Total vacant posts are 922. The application is invited through the online. Interested candidates can apply until 31 January 2023.
Trust Bank Ltd. has published recruitment circular for the post of Management Trainee Officer and invited application from the smart, energetic, honest & hard working and good communication skilled applicants for this posts. The last date of online application submit is 15 January 2023.
44th BCS written exam will be taken with in 29 December 2022 to 11 January 2023. Bangladesh public service commission BPSC announced written exam schedule and seatplan. You can see details written exam routine here.
Recruitment circular has published for the following posts by Secondary and higher education division (SHED) under Ministry of Education. Application's last date is 31 December 2022. Interested candidate's education qualification should have SSC, HSC, Diploma, Graduation or post graduation degree in related field from any reputed university or institute.
Ministry of Industry has called application from Bangladeshi nationals to recruit for the following posts under the mention terms and conditions. The vacant posts are Steno Typist cum Computer Operator, Computer Operator, Cashier, Office Assistant cum Computer Typist and Office Assistant.
Dutch-Bangla Bank has been providing 2-5 years scholarships talented and poor students who have passed SSC and equivalent exam in 2022 from different educational institutions of the country under its education program. In this continuation, Dutch Bangla Bank has invited online applications from qualified students for scholarship 2022.
Dutch Bangla Bank Limited a leading joint-venture private commercial Bank has invited application for the posts of "Management Trainee Officer MTO" and "Trainee Officer TO" with monthly consolidate salary Tk. 28,000 and Tk. 55,000/-. Application's last is December 31, 2022.
FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 has been started from 20th November. This is the most popular football competition in whole world. The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) arranges the league every four years in different countries and select one champion team for next four years.
Chinese government invited scholarship application from the Bangladeshi citizen students under scholarship program 2023-2024. The students of undergraduate, master's, PhD level are eligible to apply.
41th BCS viva exam ongoing for them who are selected in the written exam, exam schedule is given here. The viva exam of 6035 candidates has been taing in the head office of Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC), Agargog, Sher-e-Banglanagar, Dhaka.
Border Guard Bangladesh has invited application for 303 civil vacant posts from Bangladeshi man and women. The name of job position are Imam/RT, Office Assistant, Midwife, Assistant OBM Driver, Grasser, Cur painter, Plumber, Boot maker, Office Helper, Vulcanizer, Word boy, Cattleman, Cook, Gardener, Cleaner and others.
Bangladesh railway has published "Point Men" recruitment result in 27 November 2022. Total 864 candidates has been selected to join as Point men. The result is given here. "Assistant Station Master" result was published in 13 November and 587 candidates were selected.
Bangladesh Open University BOU has conducted HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate) program as well as education board. The HSC 1st year admission application ongoing. The open university is the only institute where is not any age restriction to study in any educational level.
Bangladesh Air Force is one of the advanced and capable air force in the world. BAF is the air arm of the Bangladesh Armed Force. Bangladesh Air Force has invited application to join as Air Force Cadet Officer, Officer, MODC (Ministry of Defence Constabulary) officer position. Applicaion processing and recruitment test on going, last date of application on 09 April 2023.
National University under-graduate professional courses 2nd merit list will be published on 21 November 2022. The waiting applicants now fillup admission release slip form to complete their admission process. Honours professional courses 1st merit list was published in 01 November and 2nd merit list published in 21 November.
National University degree 1st year and honours 2nd year exam form fill-up application is going on. The degree pass course 1st year form fill-up last date on 28 November and honours 2nd year form fill-up has been extended till 24 November 2022. The NU students can know honours 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year, degree pass course's 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and masters 1st, 2nd year exam form fill-up notice from here.
Bangladesh Bank Assistnat Director (General) recruitment MCQ preliminary exam result has been published in 02 November 2022. The MCQ exam was held in 28 October 2022. Total 5,671 candidates has finally selected to attend to written exam.
ICC World Cup Twenty20 is a international cricket tournament that is maintain by International Cricket Council (ICC). ICC World Cup 2021 is the seventh tournament that scheduled to take place in the Oman from October 17, 2021 and finished with final match on November 14, 2021. This is first time that an Arabian country is hosting the event. Previously India hosted the event in 2016.
Bangladesh Premier League (BPL T20) Cricket series 5th session was started from 04 November 2017. Accourding to the new schedule, at the first match was held between Sylhet Sixers and Dhaka Dyamites. The 1st, 2nd, 3nd and 4th BPL session also held in gradually 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016.
Rajshahi is one of the six metropolitan cities of Bangladesh. Rajshahi is located in the north-west of the country and situated on the bank of Padma river with population of around 475,000 people and total area is 96.69 sq km.
The city is also known as Rampur Boalia. Rajshahi is famous for Silk Industries, Mango and Lychee. Rajshahi is also famous for its Characteristic sweetmeats.
Chittagong, is a commercial capital of Bangladesh has a busy international sea port and airport. it has green hills, spacious sandy beach and elegant cool climate always attract the holiday- makers described by the Chinese traveler and poet, Huen Tsang.
You can visit different place of Bangladesh at your vacation, travel or any other occasions. Here there are many beautiful place to visit. It has sea beach, natural beauty, archeological place which is stands for thousands year history.
Khulna is located in south-western side of the country with a total area of 59.57 sq km on the bank of Bay of Bengal. It is the third biggest city of the country.
In the southern part of the delta lines the Sundarban, is the largest mangrove forest in the world. Khulna is famous for shrimp, newsprint paper and some other industries.
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